I used to know somebody that had a service dog. You wouldn’t want to touch either of them unprovoked. Anyway, this wouldn’t be a problem if so many regular dog owners wouldn’t take their dogs into places they shouldn’t. Thanks, dicks!
I used to know somebody that had a service dog. You wouldn’t want to touch either of them unprovoked. Anyway, this wouldn’t be a problem if so many regular dog owners wouldn’t take their dogs into places they shouldn’t. Thanks, dicks!
I have kids 3 and 6. We saw a dog at a store, and I pointed out that the sign on the dog said he was working. They thought that was cool, but sad because they couldn’t pet him.
I have a very technologically illiterate friend who I assume was alarmed to find her hashtags separated one day but she couldn’t figure out why so now she does it voluntarily to extremes like #eating #pasta #at #a #restaurant #near #my #house. Suffice to say her original hashtags made no sense but now they somehow…
Fuck, people suck. My sister used to get that when she’d park in the handicap spot with her handicap placard because she was young and healthy looking. But she had a number of metal rods in her legs after a very bad accident, and walked very slowly and in pain with a cane. People yelled at her all the time.
Right? I think they can hit somewhere around 40 MPH in three or four strides. They’re amazing and also so not the dog you want to risk losing. Luckily they tire out super fast too.
i HATE that. I absolutely despise when someone tries to tell someone they know what a dog will do that isn’t their dog. It goes both ways too. Like don’t tell me my dog is fine with your dog when I know my dog doesn’t like other dogs when he’s on a leash and I want a peaceful walk. Don’t tell someone their dog isn’t…
What is she an infant? That’s like the first lesson they teach a human being. Don’t pull an animal’s tail. Jesus.
fuck. that. person.
Holy shit what an asshole
Oh FFS. What the hell is wrong with people? I really hope she hasn’t had any more idiots like that assaulting her dog.
I think this woman confused service dogs with the guards at Buckingham palace.
And then I would have to be held back to prevent me from assaulting her.
I like her. I like a lot of people that we’re told not to like for various reasons. Generally I just enjoy the breadth of humanity one comes across every day. We’re pretty fucking amazing.
You sound like the part of my subconscious that I drink heavily to escape from.
‘Course, it also helps if the person you complain to actually listens. My company has a massive retention problem, and senior employees have talked about this and other problems to the owner but she completely ignores them. The company has slowly spiraled downward in the last two years, losing many key employees.
When you stare into the pseudo-intellectual spin...
Martha’s Least Favorite Things
well it was a fun controversy while it lasted folks