
I filtered those emails out long, long ago. But I’m impressed people are continuing it! Makes me happy.

at least you made the playoffs???? sad bills fan here. our super bowl is rex and rob ryan getting drunk at niagara falls over the summer at some townie bar

thanks blair

well, it’s official, there’s one packers fan now I don’t hate

Came for 14-2 comments, not disappointed


He.....appears to play for the Dallas Cowboys of Romanian Basketball Academies.

Factory of sadness continues

Bought a used copy of Xenogears for PS1 at a game store. It wasn't on sale. OOPS

I was 15 or 16, and my first real girlfriend’s family were super fundamentalist Christians, but also northeastern elitists, so very cold and passive aggressive. I overheard her mother one day telling my girlfriend’s sister (they thought I was across the house) that I “looked like a goat.” I was a pretty average

I thought this would be #1 for sure.

This would be a better website if you weren't on it

Is that you, Greggggg?

Solid as Iraq!

Magary: CLICKBERT? Clickbert? Where?

No I think that pretty much sums up the University of Miami


“Yeah but how long can you punt a football?”

My favorite part:
