
Would you like twelve separate ads on your phone in order to read three sentences of text???? YOU WOULD?????

I absolutely loved the Ramazzotti I drank after two weeks in Italy. Alas, all the Firenze Duty Free had on my way back was Averna, among others. So I got Averna. Two weeks of apretivos has made me really appreciate amaro!

Little league, age 9 or 10 - I had been practicing with my dad a lot at pitching, and was getting OK (by little league standards). I give it a go in my next game, and strike out the side in one inning, and give up only 1 hit and 0 runs in the next inning. Great!

Second outing: I give up 6 or 7 consecutive hits,

Petition to make “Chonky Cat” Bartolo Colon’s new nickname

More sports content pl---hold on im being told this is sports???

My favorite Craig Finn will always be Lifter/Puller, specifically “Secret Santa Cruz” and “Math Is Money”

Q-bert’s a fraud? YOU’RE A FUCKING FRAUD

lmao there’s no proof that cooking your chicken the way it was SUPPOSED to be cooked (medium rare, idiots) is related to this guy happening to throw up!

In a pinch, the frozen Lamb Vindaloo is absolute heaven when I need a fix of Indian food and can’t be bothered to cook anything myself or order out. The frozen calimari ain’t half bad either! 

dear god in heaven

Traditional diesel household christmas eve dinner - I make homemade pizzas (this year: bacon & feta, traditional italian w/ veggies, and a bbq chicken and onion appetizer pizza) for the family coming in

you literally deserve to drown in a fucking tub

lol holy fuck, go kill yourself you racist piece of shit

As a sexy cow enthusiast AND a liberal, I resent this woman

All of these things sound great, but if you find yourself night-time bored, might I suggest to my annual suburban Christmas night tradition: Getting drunk at TGI Friday’s on Long Island Iced Teas with my brother and me!

postin’ some good thoughts for drew magary - feel better you giant man

Wait, am I not supposed to have been eating raw flower this whole time? *burp* Uh oh

Major missed opportunity on Cryptkeeper Al Davis to use “ANTI-CHRISTian McCaffrey.” Also please get me out of the greys

Classic McMuffin WITH the hash brown manually inserted is, by far, the #1 option in my book. My wife refuses to put the hash brown in the sandwich, so, I’ll probably have to get a divorce