
I think an argument can be made that Dany’s heel turn was in large part due to her insecurities resulting from Jon’s lineage and Sansa’s attempt to promote it by spreading the word. It’s what caused Vary’s betrayal after all. 

And with that, GOT comes to an end.

I agree with you here, she showed off her dragons in the battle of winterfell (even if the episode didn’t do a good job), some have died, and everyone is running around like she’s just another noble, not the only one who has a WMD. The US nuked Japan not because it wanted to melt women and children but to show what

Get well Drew.

She didn’t go “crazy”. She made a decision. Why are people obsessed with her being “insane”? She took Meereen without civilian bloodshed, and insurgencies happened almost immediately against her. She is strategically implementing fear in the realm so that her advisors, subjects, and enemies don’t mess with her. That,

Can’t believe they asked you to raise two fingers and you didn’t go with Ol’ Faithful

Can’t tell you how many text messages I exchanged with friends seriously worrying about the health of a person I have never met and will likely never meet.

Jesus, man. This is harrowing. Like everyone else in the comments, I’m glad things didn’t go differently.

Wedge” issues are a thing that only helps the minority party. Abortion isn’t a wedge issue that drives people to one side or the other. It’s a wedge issue that helps only republicans. Because the republican stance on almost every single other major policy is in the deep minority. Abortion is one of only a few (if not

Am I going fucking crazy or are we supposed to have a separation of church and state in this country? How do these evangelical crazy fucks get away with using God as an argument during political discourse?

Exactly, this paragraph in particular is dumb:

Because it’s a dog wondering in the street in the middle of the night. It’s not the dog’s fault his owner is a total asshole. 

*Norm MacDonald voice*

Exactly the way it is? What are these people going to do? Sue him for not using 22 million to build a wall he has no authority to build on land he doesn’t own with expertise he doesn’t have and which would cost in excess of 25 billion? I have zero doubt the gofundme had vague details that allow enough wriggle room for

Are we still talking about Don Jr.? Even his father doesn’t really like him.

When I got season tickets to college basketball my senior year of high school the old dude in front of me would routinely tell me that I was breaking his ear drums because I was clapping too loud.

I live in Chicago and have friends who don’t know which was is north. Like, holy shit, the lake is east of the city, okay? So if they know the lake is “that way” then you would think they could figure out which was is north, right? Some fucking people...

In regards to Florida, the problem isn’t that the old people ruined it. They are fine. Is the people ages 30-50 from the entirety of the midwest and northeast who have burned every bridge with every family member and friend they could possibly rely on so they move to Florida to “start a new life” of finding new

And if your parents were in an especially good mood they’d buy you one of those “Yes and Know” game books with the special ink pen that would reveal the invisible ink-printed answers. Those would keep you busy for at least an hour, or at least until your cousin decided he was going to lean over into your seat and

Jesus if you want to fact check something how about Drew claiming to be on a treadmill?