
The last tow driver I dealt with loaded my wrecked ten year old Mustang. He could have taken a massive dump in it for all I cared at that point because I knew it was a total loss, but he handled it with the same care he would have given a new Mercedes, including making sure it was adequately secured to the truck.

I find this kinda funny. I’ve owned a bunch of different types of vehicles over the years, and many of them have had door handle issues, particularly in winter when they freeze up. On 3 different cars I’ve had (a Volvo 1800ES, BMW 320i and a Pontiac Firebird) I’ve had to either completely tear apart the door handle

“I have such better visibility in my SUV!”

You do of course know there are differences in energy between what it typically takes to flip a Miata or Corvette compared to these relatively low speed rollovers that are very common with high CoG vehicles though right?

You apparently missed the “1,000th video” part. Reading is important.

Bs. Show us hundreds, even dozen of videos of regular cars flipping under similar condition and we might reconsider your point. 

You get diseases doing that. 

In other words, Rivian confirmed that it is an automaker in 2021.

Something, something, efficient allocation of resources because of price, something, something, economics.

The thief can work a prison job until he covers cleanup, then he can be free. Incredibly wild that they let him walk.

Yeah, but if it’s a business expense AND he’s an economist, WTF economic and tax policies has he studied? That shit’s a write off and no one’s calling that out?

Presidents always get blamed for the price of gas even though there’s little in the short term they can do to push it up or down.

Random Seattle city councillor wants to nationalize some major corporations? AlL DeMoCrAtS - bUt EsPeCiAlLy BiDeN - aRe SoCiAlIsTs!!!!

It’s a strong indication of how much contempt Republicans have for the American voting public that they continue to claim that moderate Democrats are “socialists”. No one who has any understanding of actual socialism could make that claim with a straight face.

My German colleagues were complaining about the increased prices of fuel in Germany over the past year.  It’s amazing how Biden’s policies also impact the prices of fuel in another country half way around the world!  It’s almost like the higher gas prices have nothing to do with Biden and everything to do with a heavy

Rail is useless for last mile delivery, and if you want for rail to be used to replace more Interstate and Intrastate trucking traffic, you will need rail spurs to every large warehouse and distributor currently served by trucks.

Call me whenever. I’ll pee on your truck.

Really? Why aren’t Blue Origin and Virgin Galaxy hiring those people to do the “real work” you speak of?

Check your Facts. Elon has several actual degrees before he became rich.. 

Us = you and a few others. Just because you don’t like Elon, and therefore his companies, and make it your life mission to trash him any chance you get, doesn’t mean that we all want him gone. The guy has done a lot for engineering, space, and electric cars and continues to drive innovation.  He may say some