
Most Americans who feel that way have never known enough hardship to fill a postcard; privilege has its downside.

Honda Fit definitely should come back. Nice car all around except for the crappy seats which gave me awful back pain. Yeah, I know after market seats are an option....

It’s true, I would never write about Menendez because I’m a partisan hack with no principles or morals just like you. Oh, wait:

Oh god, no need to read past the first sentence. Can you point on the doll where the DEI hurt you?

There’s plenty of “cheap” trims available from every manufacturer already. The problem is the dealers. Go to any lot anywhere, and there will be 70+ “Limited” or “Platinum” versions of a thing there, with zero base models. Until we get rid of commission based, markup heavy dealers and move to manufacturer direct-to-con

Take two Savagegeese and call me in the morning. 

was killed in a 2-1 decision at the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals

I was about to post this one lmao.

Kilmer has gotten so bad it kinda become a meme that I find absolutely hysterical

Every single video Scotty Kilmer makes.

FYI, Tennessee has had Dolly specialty plates for years. Both my children were signed up for the Imagination Library and received dozens of books -- it is an incredible program, and Dolly IS a national treasure, though we do like to claim her as a Tennessean first.

Lemme put it this way - the dude claims to have flown a plane (powered by a steam engine, no less!) through a park in the middle of Pittsburgh, and yet somehow there were no independent witnesses?

With Ohio you have to read between the lines. What this really celebrates:

Yup. Right here in this picture we’ve got a grandson of nazis and son of apartheidists, who has openly endorsed the AFD (German neo-nazis), courted the alt-right and hate groups, gifted Twitter to them as an open platform, and is talking about “securing the future of human civilization” right as he’s doing the

I’m just going to leave this here. He has clearly he told us who he really is, all in one photo. He also did this solute several times!

No company is completely innocent (just look at all the banks accused of fraud or robbing their own customers). But these days I will settle for the companies whose CEOs aren’t making “awkward hand gestures” during public appearances.

if you purchased an EV in 2021-22 when inventories were low and markups were high, you might be upside down right now.”

Wait until he hears about gloves!

Not of that model. Hendrick Motorsports made only 40 of these cars.

You don’t get it, do you? That’s okay.