
Hey! I resemble that remark.

I often find myself attracted to attractive women. I'm truly a monster.

Thirty Helen's Agree… this was a lame episode.

That's what happens when the writers don't know how to end the joke.

That damn Land Rover Range Rover is exploiting innocent Slut-Bots!
Stay strong Lindaebeasley! You'll be a much better whore soon!

If you want to go for a ride in my Land Rover I'll tell you all about it.

I've forgiven myself for far worse than sucking dick to get a Land Rover bitch.

That's not as interesting as you suggested.

They can fix that in post.

Pantsuits for America!

Girl's rule. Women are funny. Get over it.

What's Gawker?

All the best tiny hands are busy at work making iPhones.

Is this the same comedian who said that Louis CK gave her the helicopter dick show?

Thank you. I am just very thankful that I discovered out about that .

yup. And in that last episode I saw him try to give CPR to a fish.

If it means never having to hear from you, we're both okay with that.

If any of those 15 seconds included that adorable bespectacled lady, then I share your enthusiasm.

I liked Don't Breathe. It wasn't high art but it was a fun action thriller.

I'm a fan of Louis C.K. but Horace and Pete was bloody awful.
My wife and I disliked that show so much that whenever one of us was being bitchy about inconsequential life garbage, the other would immediately break into a terribly sung rendition of the theme song and all would be right in the world again.
So thanks