
is this the culinary version of cultural appropriation if I put ketchup on it?

Simpsons did it!

So is Global Warming a science, a religion or a business?

I'm gonna go give this article… about tree fiddy.

I watched THE RUNDOWN again just recently and it does not hold up very well. The Seann William Scott bits with 'thunder and lightning' are pretty tough to sit through now.

I know it's a Treasure joint but damn! I love Gunstar Heroes.

Saw the original at a Drive In when I was 3 years old. It's one of my earliest memories.
That eyeball monster in the garbage room scene is the reason I clean my place every Friday.
No exceptions.

Philosophy might be a strong word to use here newfoundma. It's a game. So using your life skills to your advantage is important. If you're strong you use your muscles. If you're smart you hunt for idols. If you're personable you negotiate the slings and arrows of a social game. If you're sneaky you eat a bowl of sugar

Culpepper is a dickbag but really no worse than Sandra when it come's to bullying the other cast members.
Where's that evil little bald dude when you need him?

Its been a pretty shit weekend. I'm thankful for a kind of happy ending.


I keep watching. I keep watching my heart break.

This first episode was kind of great. I'll probably keep watching this.

I kinda liked Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death.

Paul Mooney believes the Queen had Princess Diana assassinated. Paul Mooney is an idiot.


I had to Google the word diffidence. Thanks A.V. Club. I'm learnding!

The most anticipated movie of 2004!

Does a boner count if it's an innie?

You use too many big words. You're off the show.