
and that's the way they all became the Brady Bunch.

When did Tandy become so stupid? I get that he's meant to be kind of a
loser but he's hitting Homer Simpson levels of cartoon stupidity now.

I did eventually see the ending. I won't spoil anything but its safe to say that nobody's situation ever improves.
Probably not worth the time or money unless you want to be more depressed than usual over the holidays.

This show is turning into a series of Buzzfeed ad's.

I guess you've never heard of Gavin McInnes then?
I'd actually pay money to watch Trevor interview that guy.

I respect your opinion. But I'm pretty sure the Democrats lost because not enough people could be bothered to get off their fat asses to go out and vote. Perhaps it was the media swell of a guaranteed Clinton victory that swayed the vote. Or perhaps it was a signal to the Democratic supporters that the last eight

I'm pretty sure one of you must be out there right now penning the new children's novel "Hannah and the Magical Muff".
I can't wait to read it.

Thanks duder!

Just when I thought I was totally sick of zombie movies Train to Busan just shot straight to the top of my must see list. Thanks for the recommendations folks.

I think she's pretty hot. And I'll assume even big boobed gals can still run from the zombie apocalypse.
Good luck reading the comics for an ending. You won't find one anytime soon.

Aside from the fact that I'm an idiot, I have no idea why I continue to watch this show.

Jessica was the worst.
My NerdCrush Hannah lives another day! Joy, oh Bliss, oh Joy!

Go Hannah! w00t!

Not in TRUMP'S AMERICA you fat jackal!

I wonder if this film will have the FoxTrax technology enabled?



Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos.

is it weird that I found that comment both hilarious and a turn on?

Hannah is just trying to click with the right clique.
Damn, now I'm going to humming that stupid theme song all weekend.