
I have my own theories but I'm willing to bet there's an entertaining subreddit that could offer some insight.

I find this nice young lady to be shrill and annoying. Is that a thing now?

This seems like a dumb thing.

I prefer him as the drummer of the Hot Red Chili Poopers

Once again the world must turn to Maury Povich for the answers!

This season has been really dumb. I can't remember a cast I liked less than these goofballs.
Except for Hannah. <3
She's officially my nerd crush this season.

would appreciate it if the uploader made the video available in my country too. :/

I've no idea why I read that headline and immediately started humming Handle With Care by the Traveling Wilburys.

member when they had gas in the tank? I member

From a Canadian friend…
You folks need to settle the fuck down. This isn't Thunderdome. All this is, is four years with a new Ronald Reagan. A new Republican puppet. We've been through it before and we'll probably go through it again. It won't last. So please stop with the tears and anger. You're helping no one and

memba last season? I love to memba last season.

I've honestly been fast forwarding through most of the episodes this season.
Does that make me a Gen X Buzzkill or a Millennial Twaddlefart?
I bet there's a BuzzFeed quiz out there with my name on it!

If you want that read the reviews on Arrow in the Head. The reviewer over there gives nothing less than an 8 out of 10 for every episode. Also, boobies.

Sending AV Club/disqus defenders to the hellscape that is youtube is too cruel a punishment even by Negan standards.

Of the more recent episodes (season 20+) I have a soft spot in my heart for Season 23 Episode 19 "A Totally Fun Thing That Bart Will Never Do Again". It's about as close to perfect as modern Simpsons gets.

I would have thought Homer as Lord Summerisle as he tends to do nudity for less pay.

There's more than a century worth of horror films to parody and this is what The Simpsons has to offer?

This episode was slightly less obnoxious than Rikki Don't Lose That Number.

I like this show. I think it's thoughtful and funny.
I also enjoy the way it presents the citizens of South Park as often being paper thin and easily manipulated. But this week I really missed seeing more from the the Giant Douche and the Turd Sandwich. Whenever those two are on screen I can't help but remember The

They'll never stop The Simpsons,
Have no fears, we've got stories for years…