
Probably lots of moms trying to make kids happy.

If he has so much faith in it he should take the Louis CK approach and make it himself. Or does he only like spending other people's money?

Speaking of, Amazon has a 3 month subscription to the new Yorker for $5 right now. I jumped on it.

2? Is it 2? I bet it's 2…

Didn't this movie already get reviewed on this site? When I saw the ad recently the first thing that popped into my mind was a review of someone just savaging it.

I hope this time they book it right and have Sting squash Hogan instead of that phoney fast count angle.

To me Sublime is like The Doors. You get way into them when you're 14, but most rational people have realized they are actually pretty terrible by the time they hit 20.

For someone that is supposedly really bright, she sure does lots of dumb shit.

The NYC subway busker.

It was really Francis Bacon that wrote Like a Rolling Stone.

Today in "why not" for me: It's 1:00 pm and I just started drinking whiskey.

Especially white losers.

Every time I see or hear about Boston Legal, I immediately think of Boston Public instead. I liked Boston Public quite a bit.

Has she ever apologized or admitted she was wrong? Even once?

I like the one about him almost getting into a fight with Keef over his drum sounds. Keef kept bitching at him to tune his drums. Charlie said "No. I'm just gonna hit em and they are gonna go right back out of tune. Why bother?"

So, are they gonna train a baboon to hoist a lion cub into the air?

5 was completely watchable. It wasn't good, of course. But miles better than 3 or 4. At least they were smart enough to open it with a history of the movies (kind of) cleverly designed as TV credits to get folks up to speed.

The Shins is one of those bands that I will forget about for months at a time, then remember how much I love those first 2 albums and listen to them nonstop for 2 weeks before forgetting about them for 6 more months.

To be fair, I think even as out of touch as Metallica is I think even they know they last thing anybody wants is MORE of this song.

My most vivid memory of the Unabomber: A chick on the Real World flipping out because her best friend had Kaczynski as a college professor.