
Since the headline specifically mentions "stormy guitar epics" I posit that you chose the wrong song off Farm. I give you "I Don't Wanna Go There." The outro is a gorgeous, loud, riotous rave up.

I'd also like to point out that while kicking a few cents to the AV Club is a fine thing to do, you can also use Amazon Smile to donate that money to a charity. I'm not going to say that Doctors Without Borders deserves your money more than The Onion, I just want to make sure people know it's an option.

Those are clearly labeled "Wiggle eyes." Probably why they are so cheap. I bet they aren't half as wacky as real googly eyes would be.

Fucking hell, how many prank call albums do you have? Fucking with other people for kicks is my least favorite type of humor and every one of these posts seems like it has 2 or 3 different prank call collections.

I once had a guy in a bar explain the plot of "Congo" to me for literally 10 minutes. I kept trying to cut him off by politely telling him that I had seen the film, so it wasn't necessary. "No, man, but these gorillas were so smart. They knew what the people were trying to do…"

I'm pretty sure they did one at their Solid Sound Festival a few years back.

What percentage of tye dyed shirts get washed, really?

He should sell shirts that have that quote where his dad talked about how nice his dick is.

A "tour merchandise collection?" Is that different than selling posters and shirts at the back of the arena? Is it some type of Williams Sonoma thing?

I'm sure I will really dig this, then patiently sit through the songs and wait for them to get to the Being There stuff when I see them live. As usual.

I think I want to see this. I usually enjoy slow, talky, dense kind of movies. And if it's bad, so what? Still a better use of time than sitting through some fucking superhero movie. At least this seems like it'll be something interesting and different.

"Portions For Foxes" was a staple on mixtapes I made for new lady friends for years and years. That and "Jackie Wilson Said."

dun dun dundundun

Well, licensing and the fact that then they wouldn't have anything else to sell you later.

There was a fishing game called Black Bass I spent an unacceptably huge chunk of time playing.

Rot in Hell!

No RBI Baseball? They must not want people to buy this thing.

Computer Chess blew my mind. Such a great, weird little film.

Holding on to the Fatboy Slim, huh?

Dumb dog. Clearly an inwardly directed spiral would have been faster. Sheesh.