
I always assumed the island showed Kate the horse in order to make her face her past and move beyond it. The island had a way of showing people who they truly were. And Kate had to see the horse to come to grips with what she had done and realize it was the right thing to do.

Can you imagine how bad the Lost finale would have been if it was just a 90 minute exposition that "solved" every anomaly the series had set up? I much prefer seeing Shannon and Sayid and Charlie and Claire get another moment together.

I'm so glad Southland Tales exists. It's insane and makes no sense, but the Justin Timberlake 'All These Things That I've Done' scene justifies the movie's existence.

If I get a vote, I'm going prancing weirdos. Seems like a no brainer.

It worked so well for Tempest Bledsoe.

Even that's DEFINITELY money better spent than this video.

Congratulations, internet, on a job… done.

Workin' For MCA is a helluva way to start a rock n roll show.

That ice skating scene? Get outta here. That movie needed 45 less minutes traipsing around the island, 15 more minutes rampaging NYC and 100% less fucking ice dancing.

I guess it's the "rockist" in me speaking, but I can't ever imagine listening a remix album more than once. And even then I usually last about 30-45 seconds into each track then skip it.

Movies based on "Tangled Up In Blue" and "The Road Goes On Forever."

A "Black Mirror" style anthology based on "100 Bullets." Those stories lend themselves to 45-60 minute films. Do seasons of 5-6 episodes.

Hot local *marrieds*

Needles In My Eyes is pretty fantastic. Whatever the 12 minute sound collage thing is is not quite as good.

Eh, you're right about Belle, but Sebastian is one of those assholes that has to hunt down the Japanese import of everything just to show it off.

That song is Dry The Rain, and it perfectly builds subtly and slowly to a great climax at the end. So you, sir or madam, can go kick rocks.

I didn't know anyone owned a Beta Band album that wasn't 'Three EPs.'

Pinegrove is awesome. I love 'Cardinal.'

Neat. Thanks for that!

Speaking of the far future and Wikipedia, check out the "Time Pyramid." But don't even think about making a graphic novel about it being the center point of a holy war in the post apocalyptic future, cause that's my idea.