
That was the only album in that list above that I bought the week it came out. It's not the only one I owned eventually, but definitely the first.

I'm currently about 3/4 of the way through Brian Jay Jones' Jim Henson biography. It's great.

Clearly the headline should have been "Jay-Z Announces Massive 4:44 Tour Tour Tour," right?

Reminds me of a story I saw on twitter about someone that read all of Moby Dick, but only during bathroom visits. I think it took years.

Because French

Making A Murderer 3: Mo' Murder, Mo' Murder, Mo' Murder

Hadn't she previously said that he made her feel uncomfortable? He would specifically request her be the one to take the pictures and she tried (in vain) to get the company to send someone else to do it?

Considering at one point Netflix thought I would like the new Adam Sandler movie more than jaws, I don't see how this system could be any worse.

It's been so long since something happened manned space mission wise, I wonder if this will get some of the "gather around the TV with the whole family" vibe of older space accomplishments.

I saw a recent shins set 9n YouTube and was blown away by the fact they are just a rock and roll band now. They don't have any of the subtlety or touch as when I saw them 04 ish.

I bet he got the apprentice people edit together every scene he was in. I really think this is something he had done.

Umm… Some kind of joke about the right to bear arms.

I just can't get into the nitros. They taste flat and bland. It always just seems like I got a beer that was poured yesterday.

Just buy a bunch of it and give it to some homeless people. That'll really piss off Trumpies.

He's a no good long hair.

All this talk about beer is making me thirsty. Who wants to go get a drink?

They never thought about it one way or the other until aunt Sheryl posted an article about it on Facebook.

And we all know that local craft breweries are run by commie hippies. What's a real American supposed to drink anymore?

I just got an alert from BYCTT informing me i can't go to Outback tonight.