
Just wait until Shane Carruth gets a crack at it.

It damn sure better not be an Asian dinosaur!

Jurassic Place Or Mine?

I'm waiting for the eventual Planet of the Apes/Jurassic Park crossover. So is Andy Serkis.

There are always 2 or 3 shots that are clearly thrown into giant blockbusters specifically for 3D. I remember Jurassic World's being particularly egregious.

I got it free for buying a Blu Ray player and mailing in a proof of purchase.

It's one of those movies that has such a great documentary about the event that I have no desire to watch the big budget movie about it.

I'm completely on board with the Baywatch remake. I think it'll be fun and funny and easy Summer fare. But for some reason this sounds awful. I'm not sure what the difference is.

Lots of comments here knocking the end of HIMYM, but the show put Ashley Williams on my radar and I gave up after about 5 or 6 seasons, so it's a net positive for me.

Aren't the pilots of comedies almost always among the weakest episodes of a series? It takes a while for the natural chemistry of the actors to give the show it's own momentum.

I love the bit in Talking Funny where Louis cracks himself up over the idea of Jerry doing a bit about the N word.

I did not know that was a thing. I am completely confused. Why cucumbers? And who are these deviants sneaking around putting them into cats' blindspots?

I always like to joke that my credit score is so bad getting my identity stolen could only help.

I went to see Super 8 with a group of friends and when the first lens flare occurred about 30 seconds in I burst out laughing. My friend (and fellow film geek/JJ Abrams fan) leaned over and whispered "Lens flare?" and I just nodded.

I feel like 85% of Herb Alpert and the Tijauana Brass albums ever pressed currently reside in thrift stores.

I've seen QotSA a half dozen times or so. The first time was one of the best shows I've ever seen.

I was supposed to see these guys open for QotSA back in the day. Queens is one of my favorite bands and I was really digging "Peace, Love and Death Metal." We get to the venue and see a note taped to the door. it read "Eagles of Death Metal will not be able to perform tonight. Please enjoy Throw Rag in their place." I

It was the first song of theirs I ever heard and I have gone through their output trying to find something else that's as good, but nothing else touches it.

Wait, people liked his character in FNL? So my group of friends is the only one that called him Pouty McSadface and hated his melodramatic bullshit?

I didn't know there was a Smokin Aces 2. But it gives me the tiniest bit of a reason to post this, so I'm okay with it.