
Why are all American girls so rough?

We'll always have Pinkerton. Maybe it's just too bad all their albums couldn't have been released when I was 16.

For a far more interesting and entertaining look at just how… eccentric our purple friend is check out Kevin Smith's 30 minute story about getting asked to film a documentary at Paisley Park.

I bet Kate McKinnon steals this movie.

Hello again, friend of a friend…

You have my blessing.

I wanted to do it once but they didn't have the track. So I did Magic Carpet Ride instead, then just sang Blister in the Sun during the long instrumental break. Seemed to go over pretty well.

Can do…

Do all the recaps end with "Michelle says "You got it, dude!," the crowd goes AWWWW and the credits roll"?

The way Netflix is going about it's original series is actually pretty genius. Amazon seems to be sticking with high brow, "good" stuff Netflix seemingly doesn't care. If they think there is an audience for a show, they'll make it.

John Lennon decided he didn't want to be dead any more in 1984. Just don't tell Yoko.

Hey, somebody has to play the annoying neighbor!

The live episode with everyone calling each other out for constantly losing their accents was such a blast.

"This is a quick look at how photography has… developed"

I enjoy Super 8 quite a bit myself, but it does fall apart in the 3rd act. Which is understandable cause endings are the toughest thing to pull off. But I still go back and watch it once or twice a year.

Well, seeing as the stories the actual contestants tell are usually brutally uninteresting it seems like a story about tying your shoe would be good enough.

It was called Quiz Bowl in my school district. I was on the team in elementary school , and pretty good at it. But then there was the time the question was "What river separates the United States and Mexico?" I buzzed in and said "Rio Grande." The proctor said no. The other team buzzed in and said "Rio Grande." And

He's also the only member of the Allman Brothers to have recorded a duet album with Cher. So, that's a thing!


Not only did Duane and Berry both die in motorcycle accidents, the accidents occurred about 100 yards from each other.