
Cerebral Ballsy is the one that I always remember. We might be getting close to time for a band name greatest hits recap.

'“Committed to ruining both the eighties and ska, one show at a time.” It looks like they’re succeeding, per this video.'

So, Oh Golly's phone gonna blow up, huh?

Random question: Who has sold the most albums and isn't in the Hall? Mariah Carey? Garth Brooks?

Sir, you may not know just exactly what the facts is.

Well, to be fair, you do have to keep em separated.

Steve Miller Band strikes me as the kind of band that if I had never heard of and randomly bought the album at a thrift store, I would really dig it. But at this point I have an involuntary grimace any time I hear the opening bars of any song of theirs. What I'm saying is classic rock radio has ruined the Steve Miller

Did Cheap Trick stumble into the 2 hot dudes/2 kinda dorky dudes thing, or was it intentional? Because it seems like it didn't start out that way, then the band started playing it up more and more.

Someone crashed a car into the house once, right?

I have a really cool jacket I pulled from my grandfather's closet years ago. I have only ever seen one other jacket like it. It was on an extra at the giant PAGAN meeting scene.

The obvious idea for a sequel to Boyhood is a real-time, one-take movie, right? The first one takes 12 years to film, and the second takes 93 minutes?

ummm… put a bird on it?

Are all burritos wraps? Are all wraps burritos?

The obvious answer to me would be "Chowder? I hardly know her!"

But what is a donut hole? It clearly isn't a hole, in that a hole is an absence of something. And it was never a part of a donut. I propose it is a 'donugget'

Milemarker is a great band name.

Good call! I hadn't thought of that show in years. Wasn't one of the challenges on that show stealing a bicycle? Because… rap!

That actually sounds kind of interesting.

I enjoyed Work of Art, but I don't think I ever agreed with the judges. It seems like they went out of their way to pick the most boring, cliched piece as the winner every week. Also, I seem to remember one dude's work just being Darth Vader toys painted pink?

I wouldn't be shocked if they leave out the John Wayne stuff. It's been a long time since I read these, but even in the comic I remember that whole side bar being unnecessary. Unless it ends up being super crucial to the ending, cause I bailed about 5 TPBs in.