NationalSlapATrumpLottery-Win AllTheSlaps!

I was at a party wearing a nice fluffy sweater & my EX and his new wife were there. I was talking to her (before I knew she was wed to the heinous ex)and held their baby as a favor so she could get some food. The baby started mashing his face back & forth into my boobs, smearing my sweater with baby snot.

I was with you until the leashes. My brother would have been zooming into neighboring states without one. Then again, Brother Slap is a major dickweed as an adult, so maybe you are right.

Must be the healthy glow of being in the “lucky sperm club” that enables them to be relaxed enough to spawn & spend at will.

Maybe a low rent version of McConaughy, with a distinct aroma of weed, Axe and 125 dirty ashtrays used to serve greasy pork sandwiches.

Perhaps drive a lawn mower, because someone learned the hard way that he is NOT to be trusted when you dash in for a slurpee.

YES- people who look like they have very neat binders of all their financial info, never had a split end and probably spend their days off waxing the Subaru and chewing prunes.

Bieber looks like what would happen if you crossed Scooby Doo’s Shaggy, a frazzled David Lee Roth impersonator and an ad recruiting patients for a hepatitis drug clinical trial.

Thanks, I had a few experiences before and after that, but nothing as deeply chilling to me as the “suitor”. I do think that a place can absolutely hold energies or spirits can be grounded to a place.

I wasn’t brought up to fear the dead, or ghosts. I played in the cemetery one house away. My Grandfather’s protective spirit opened bedroom doors nightly at Grandma’s house, checking on us as we fell asleep and then the sound of heavy men’s dress shoes made their way to the next room.

Nope. He has Ivanka chase stray blond dogs, shave their ass hair & her sweat shop child workers weave it into a toupee. He superglues it down with drool form his rally attendees.

Just posted in the wrong place. But here is a story: Speculation of what (if anything) can be the straw that finally breaks the spell/koolaid that the trumpanzees are drinking. Would Trump getting caught screwing Putin on air even be enough for them, or would they just idolize him even more?.

Change the code, put in a hidden camera, don’t hesitate to be safer than safe.

If we vote and pray reallllly hard, can we make this the prison job for tRUmp  and his minions?

My fear is that this bastard will be shoved into the SC regardless of issues by the repugnicants.

I’m the youngest of a big family. Money was tight for my family in the late 1970's. My freshman year of high school was weeks away & I pined for a pair of the hottest brand of jeans then: Jordache. My auntie brought us to a gross smelling, dark and dingy two story clearance outlet where I spotted my dream jeans &


To help you with this portion of the article: I washed my hands immediately. With soap. Three consecutive times. And yet, it lingered.

WHEN will most reality TV guzzling fools realize that a rich piece of shit is still a piece of shit?

Thanks-It is going OK. I am not used to getting up so early & putting myself together in a “corporate acceptable/polished” fashion not commuting, but thankfully people seem to have a sense of humor there & Mr. Slap has been wonderful.

I’m starting a new job tomorrow & it will be the first time commuting since 2015. I’m scared that I won’t be able to quickly master the new systems and also hope that the new co-workers won’t be massive jerks.