
I am not, but I am engineering adjacent.

That’s your problem with this?

At least he didn’t set any Saab convertibles on fire.

The classic “lawn dart” maneuver, as perfected by the Russians.

That’s why everyone should get some of the awesome mutts at the shelter (they need homes and nobody wants them!) instead of getting a dog bred selectively in a way that maximizes their suffering for personal profit.

Another shitpost from Jalopnik’s shittiest poster?

Please do not kill him.

You got rolled so hard in this thread, it was a joy to watch

So you’re a glorified drill-press operator with a P.E. stamp in your late 30s/early 40s giving a college student shit for pursuing her passion professionally? Like I said, where’s your article, asshole?

Before you rant about someone else’s take on your passion, try replacing that item in your rant with something else completely arbitrary. Example below, using pizza.

I mean, she’s being paid to review one on an automotive website. Where’s your fucking article?

Toyota is better hen Mazda

Shoo shoo bad troll.

Dude, we get it. You had an experience you didn’t like and now you hate the evil overlords at Toyota who are constantly trying to screw over the little guy. Nobody cares.

I’ll bet there’s a shitload of Jiffy Lube stories we’ve not heard about... a shitload.

Yes, but their remedial/support programs for the disabled are lacking, I hear; for example, I understand that they don't offer a single class in understanding nonverbal social cues, for those who have trouble doing that sort of thing.

Why couldn't she be the other type of mermaid? With the fish part on the top and the lady part on the bottom!?!?!