I don’t know why I chose to read an article about the obscure world of German chocolate patents, and I sure as hell don’t know why I found it fascinating, but here we are. Thank you.
I don’t know why I chose to read an article about the obscure world of German chocolate patents, and I sure as hell don’t know why I found it fascinating, but here we are. Thank you.
Try the one with cornflakes in, that’s the best one.
You know he doesn’t remember tweeting any of that and when he’s confronted by the Ks will simply look bewildered, than decide they’re all plotting against him.
I take your point, no question. I think that I was really sort of continuing a discussion we had a few days ago about bipolar disorder. It feels (at least to me) as though we are watching someone dissociate from reality in a public fashion that must be terrifying to those around him.
We had been speaking about this on an earlier thread. The manic aspect to this isn’t simply brilliance, creativity and positive feelings but delusions, paranoia and psychotic breaks. It sounds truly terrifying.
One can both have sympathy for West, and hold him accountable for his actions.
I am starting to wonder if they aren’t divorced in part because she wants to stay his next of kin—with his mother gone, I don’t think he has any other close family that could try to help him when he’s like this or have power of attorney if he does get committed. I’m sure whatever hangers-on he has that enabled that…
You read that and you feel for HIM? Nope. His mental illness isn’t what’s causing him to slut-shame his wife, complain that she and her mother are saying things in public which is “not what a wife should do”, put on blast that he wanted to abort his kid, and worship Donald Trump. What’s causing all of that is the…
Oh it was terrible for reality show standards, that’s 100% true.
> him as the ficus
However, after having done so, I’m frankly disappointed in your somewhat disingenuous portrayal of the testimony.
Being wrong on a year is not some monumental blow to her credibility. All of their witnesses were being asked to recall specific events months or even years after the fact to the best of their ability.
A great reminder that there are no perfect victims and also more specifically that these two individuals are just...a huge mess, to put it lightly.
It links to a transcript of the day in court. The assistant states she had no contact with Depp since 2015 yet texts reveal in late 2016 she had a close enough relationship with Depp to go to his house for drinks that talk of effectively giving Heard ‘what she deserves’.
My sweet elderly auntie has spent her social distancing time knitting scarves for all of her favorite opera singers (I love this old lady so much!) and informed me today that the opera world is fighting mad after a member of the Richard Tucker Foundation board made racist comments toward Black opera performers and the…
1, fuck August. That piece of shit is enjoying reveling in the past. Grow the fuck up.
Isn’t that how domestic violence works?
That’s truly sickening. I really do hope they were ok, but I bet that shit would end up covered up and paid off just like everything else. This is completely sociopathic AF. To know what Epstein was into (because they shared some common interests) and to still allow him anywhere near his own daughters in a private…
Omg. Omg. Omfg. Whatttttt?!! I had no idea Epstein had been in any contact with the girls. Somehow I completely missed that detail, so reading your comment actually gave me chills. WTF was Andrew thinking? As a survivor of adolescent sexual abuse, I hope to the universe he never had a single moment alone with them.…
As an institution, I’m not a fan of the British monarchy (because reasons), but the sentimental meaning behind her dress and tiara really made me melt! I’m glad that they were able to find a way to celebrate that also seemed fitting to her personality— since she’s reportedly more of an introvert than her sister, this…