
I watched this interview and another one. I am impressed by their openness and vulnerability.

I fight with suicidal thoughts. I can’t because I have a child who would be devastated without me, but I think about it. I spent the first 17 years of my life in chaos, the next 22 working hard to prove, something, and the last six barely hanging on. If I knew my child was as bonded to their father as to me, I’m not

This person is on the spectrum, but high functioning, as is my child. Sometimes hygiene is a thing with those on the spectrum, there are often sensory things that go with it. I get it, I really do. But for real, washing his clothes isn’t a sensory problem, and even if he doesn’t care about smells, he’s been told by

Shortly before Incel became a commonly know thing among the world, a friend I’ve had for 20 years outed himself as one. Despite the fact that he is a middle aged man, not ugly, with a good job, PHD and no kids, and a decent inheritance he can’t find a woman who will date him because, among too many other things, he

Republicans will literally pull shit from their own asses to blame Obama for anything, such as being a private citizen after leaving office, but are cool with treason, rape, and the serious imminent threat of nuclear war, huge deficits, food taken from the elderly and young, razing our resources, starting trade Wars,

Thank you! Being sober is wonderful. Hard work, but so much better.

Stassi’s maternal clock is ticking. Did you see her tear up when some psychic said she’d have kids? And in her talking head she went into detail about how she’s afraid she won’t have any.

She mentioned she was going to take xanex before, and I’m guessing she drank with it. I stopped taking Xanex a couple of years before I got sober because mixing it can kill you. It also makes you floaty and sort of stupid. Or it did me.

It really does belong to Patrick. His comment about Lisa’s ass was deliberately crass and he was trying to humiliate both women. All he did was humiliate himself.

I could use it. Thank you. It taking so long for the background to be finished is messing with my head, but if they’d found something I would have heard. Struggling to let go and let god.

What’s the tattoo design you want? I have one that I got 20 years ago and I’ve wanted another for about five years. I’ve finally decided on the design and location, behind my ear, flower vine, now I just need the money.

I think she was confused by the timeline. She told me I got the job Tuesday morning and it wasn’t until Thursday morning that I got the paperwork with instructions for the fingerprinting. In her head, hopefully not now that the recruiter told her the timeline, I waited a week.

Congratulations! You’ll figure it out, but you don’t have to right now. Enjoy the peace and privacy.

I’m unsure what the beef is. ....

They believe it., but think women deserve it.

Already the leave him alone he’s old shit is happening. I fucking hate men sometimes. And the women who cosign this shit.

That wins it all.

Yes, it was Rome. I completely blanked, thank you!

I don’t want him with Teddi either. Shepherd was right. She’s a cancer in his romantic relationships. There was something Owen was in just before starting grays and I found him soooooo hot in it. So he’s my ginger crush.

I hope so too (re: Deluca.) Maggie and Jackson have brother and sister chemistry. Maggie’s love life has been so blah, I want something better for her.