
There are no pores, it’s perfectly shaped and not bad looking, but it doesn’t look like a face a person lives in. No real expression or emotion. It has everything it needs to be attractive but isn’t because there doesn’t appear to be any discernable personality behind the surface.

His face looks like a mask of what a human face should look like to me. It’s odd. Jenny from the Block, just gets more beautiful and oddly ageless.

No. Of course not. Because if they dare to think, write, post about anything other than what a self righteous blowhard thinks is worthy than clearly they are bubble heads and either dumbing down the discourse or too stupid to have any REAL, as defined by self righteous prig, discourse.

I’d be dying. Pups are like babies in that you can’t explain that you’ll be back and what’s happening, so the separation is worse

 I couldn’t put my finger on why o disliked Lydia so much last time she was on, beyond the fact she’s fake as fuck, but now she’s shown who she really is. A cruel judgemental bastard who looks like she gets off on hurting a person.

They were painful to watch, yes Shannon cameoff as a shrill loon, but like with the chip eating, you know he was quietly, passive aggressiveness ly, fucking with her.

I salute you, Bobby. I can’t even read through the entire account.

I never watched Melrose Place, but I now rememberMannequin. They played that to death. God, I thought she was horrible in it.

I can definitely see her in that role, but she’s grating to me in a way SJP isn’t. Both have charisma and charm up their asses though.

Cynthia has range that I think SJP and Kristen lack. I’ve never had a problem seeing her in other roles. I knew of her and SJP, but not Kristen and Kim.

I don’t know, there’s always been something vulnerable about Zellweger to me that echos Garland in my mind. It’ll be interesting.

Mine too.

Oh wow. I hadn’t heard this. I’m not a big fan of her particular style of singing, not just her but everyone who sings in that style, but she was the mistress of context in tone and cadence.

Literally my first thought.

I wonder about that myself since she makes such a huge deal about each of her made for paps relationships, all of which have a limited shelf life, and she has actual chemistry with her girl crew.

Oh that was funny.

I wish Maroon 5 and Ed Sheerhan would get a life too. But this post wasn’t about them. I hear ya, though.

Fuck. My kid loves that show. I like it well enough.

I watched the interview last night with Pink. She said Christina swung at her and she just laughed.

Oh, I totally can see him doing that. My mom’s husband, who thinks of himself as a wit, mentioned that when my son smiles he has “ching, Chang, Chung” eyes. It’s not funny or cute. I later mentioned it to my mom and she was like, oh he didn’t mean anything. Fuck him and fuck her enabling ass.