I hadn’t thought about it that way. Seriously, fuck them
I hadn’t thought about it that way. Seriously, fuck them
I’m pretty sure that Carol and Adam both smoke pot, is it legalized in New York? She seems like she on Xanex too. I see Sonja and Luanne doing coke and maybe ecstasy because it’s on hand and for both of them like you said. I think it’s because they think it’s sophisticated. I don’t think Jules does anything that isn’t…
Now I understand. Well, great viral marketing for the place.
I agree about Sonja. I think that is a large part of her problem with Tinsley, she is direct blond competition,younger, rich and has a wider pool of bachelor’s because of her age.
I have a question that I suspect I know the answer to. What does following individual members do? I’m guessing nothing, I initially hoped it meant I would be notified when they posted.
Like an initiation to a secret club that your friends tape and post and then tell you there is no club?
I have no one IRL to talk housewives with, so pardon my excitement. But if she had just “owned it” like they say in Beverly Hills, I wouldn’t have had a problem.
I was just thinking about how as a kid I’d go to the corner liquor store and get one of those big assed pickles they kept in jars. Now I’d rather cut out my tongue than eat out of a jar that anyone can stick their hand into, but I sure loved them.
Not in a place where I can do it as much as I like, but soon.
Ramona was giving herself a high pony face lift.
Gross. Gross. Gross. But I’m really stuck at how this can’t be a health and safety violation. Does anyone have a theory? Even with the 80 proof mandate. Also, I’m an alcoholic in recovery and have been known to drink a lot. A lot a lot. But how drunk do you have to be to drink this thing?
I posted last week about being sober just over three months. I had a breakthrough at my meeting this week that was really awesome in how I realized how amazing it is that since I have accepted that I am an alcoholic and decided to seek help, I have thought about drinking but not had that insane need for it.
I think Carole has noticed for a while, but I think they are similar in that they are both very independent women and last season, I think Carol attached for safety. Carroll’s storyline is thin. I thought Bethany was being overbearing with Carole and her surprisingly unsophisticated approach to food. I don’t really…
The 30s were freaking awesome, you still look youthful, you know what you want and don’t want.
You have a point.
It was pretty exciting. My face must have been all sorts of crazy fan face, but I kept it together.
I like your share! Did you see what he got? Lydia was browsing greeting cards.
I can see why she’d be go to The Hill, but I’m in South County. I mean, I’m near Schlotzy’s, once featured on Food Network for still serving Brain Sandwiches, but uh, yeah. :)
All I can think is visiting family. There’s a large Italian population here that reaches back, but most places are in the city proper or in the ritzier parts of town, so I can’t see her opening a restaurant here. It was cool anyway. She was dressed very comfortably and no makeup, so I know she didn’t want to be…