
It’s not new and it hasn’t changed, just every so often my generalized anxiety goes crazy and I need a talk down.

Thank you!

Damn age spots! I’m getting them all over. This looked a little different to me.

If it doesn’t, it should. Yum.

Thank you!

Thank you! I’m in progress. :)

There are a couple of books that I’ve re-read every couple of years that you may not have run across, The “Bread Givers” by Ania Yezierska and “Guest of the Shiek: An Ethnography of an Iraqi Village” by Elizabeth Warnock Fernia.

I am 91 days sober. I’m not quite flying my AA flag to everyone I know IRL, some people know, but alcohol  has been part of my coping mechanism for so long, that I’m really proud to be working on being a better person without it.

I’m sorry you have been so stressed. Taking a bath or swimming, basically being submerged in water, soothe me.

Good point. Thank you. Panicky obsession just kicked in.

I’ll do both. :) My panic suddenly kicked in and I just needed someone to look at it with me.

Thanks, I’m going to the doctor about other stuff and will have them look, but my panicky obsession suddenly spiked.

It’s not as big as an erasure. Maybe q-tip width. Thanks, it didn’t look like it to me, but I suddenly started to obsess.

Hey! Because I’m obsessing. Does that look like skin cancer? The big one.

I love your grandfather a bit after reading this. What a loving man.

Me too.

The 80s is when it started happening, I think. I got one in 89 for Christmas, but of course my brother “borrowed” it before I could use it /with mom’s permission/ and it fell out of the back of his truck, that had no back. He’d already had three. Clearly I’m not still bitter.

I am a patriot. I love my country. He and his family are traitors. I am also the parent of a child who isn’t white and has ASD, everything he and his shit party does places my child in danger. Not just my child but tons of friends and extended family. I don’t know if you are too dense or simply evil and don’t see

Are you gaslighting about what was said on here. Check. Who likes to lie and exaggerate about imagined slights? 45 and his supporters. A 45 supporter is all of those things.

Explain the slur, I’ve used ASD and on the spectrum. So, yeah. Tell me how that is a slur. It’s not. I said my child took more patience and said kids on the spectrum weren’t easily brainwashed. Do go ahead. Tell me how I’ve used a slur.