
Quick question. As a transgender woman where do you stand on gender realignment surgery?

I think this is an “undercover” MRA troll.

Sorry. I tried to fix it right after I postedv but my internet connection went to crap and fucking kinja and the editing window . It’s making me twitch too.

It came across as informational. Thank you.

I know! I tried to edit and then my internet got slow! Embarrassing.

It’s implematic of how disregarded women are that we can’t even discuss an article about CIS female gender mutilation without, but, ... but, the PENIS.

I’mthinking in the insufferable category you have us all beat in the terrible person category. So insufferable I wonder if you are an MRA troll.

Becausegod forbid CIA women be able to discuss issues about CIA women when that is the topic. Jesus, talk about a circle jerk.

I decided to not circumcise my child, who has identified as a girl since 5, because, it’s mutilation. But, from what I understand, female genital mutilation makes penetration painful, do no vaginal orgasm, and clitoral orgasm, .... Not possible. So no, it’s not an apple to apple comparison. It’s still wrong, but not

Ifeel the same way. It wasn’t even worth finishing his special. I turned it off 15 minutes in.

I tolled my eyes when I saw this, because, really. But it isn’t a small amount of criticism.

I want access to their dermatologists.

Sheis so bad, she can’t even walk and hand over a can without making it look shirty.

There’sthat. But I’m an old so I was thinking before then and Kate Moss stuff.

I’mnot even mad. As long as both are consenting. It’s the logical conclusion to most ads out there. At least it isn’t the broken doll, just raped, heroin ‘chic’ that was so popular.

Ranting to a stranger on a two year old post. You must be a delight to be around. I bet people LOVE you.

I’ve done it. We did it a miss mum of three times. It did something.

Newest post, I’m thinking.

I for real am terrified of Pence. He is a psycho closeted, hateful little man who seems to have kept.his nose relatively clean. I do t want. Freaky closeted, woman hating, hateful “God”  boy in charge. What I’m saying is he seems as bad as Ben Carson, ... maybe not as dumb but definitely as mean and scared of women.