I’m 43.
I’m 43.
That’s sweet. Me and my mom’s relationship is compicated by all sorts of crap and neither of us is uncomplicated.
I’ve taken to calling her two hours earlier than she wants to wake up because, she’s someone I can be passive aggressive to without guilt, key learned it from her and it gets her off my back.
Lol. Someone suggested I just not answer the phone/reply and I explained the mom, “Why aren’t you answering? Are you dead???!??! essages. Everyone else I ignore the check out of.
My Mom. I get desperate are you ALIVE??? Messages, all other people I ignore at will.
I just posted about that. I held off as long as I could on getting one, untl I had a corporate job and had to I 2002. I freaking hate being tethered to being on call.
I couldn’t even finish the freaking election. Like everyone else with half a brain and a working heart, I was sobbing myself sick. So nope. No cable news.
Nope. I can o lying read about this fuckery.
Landlines, Megan. I held out against cell phones as long as I could, I hate the idea of being obligated/expected to always answer or at least text back. I miss being unencumbered. I do love the portable internet, library, camera, video.camera and mp3 though.
She does. she was one of my favorite actors of the time. I.hope to see her in more. Alan Arkin was a natural as well. So familiar.
Oh! I’d forgotten. I need to go.back and re-read. I was fascinated with American Dynasty’s from Gloria’s parents era for years, which is oddly enough the only era of American History that I enjoy, but it’s been about 15 years since I last dove deep.
I didn’t connect to why I liked it so much until my ex pointed it out. But her acting was phenomenal, I was so happy to see Natasha on Orange is the New Black and apparently doing much better.
I think I was about the same age, maybe a couple of years older when I saw it. To this day I think it’s the most brutal rape scene I’ve seen depicted. I don’t remember it well, but I don’t think it was “that” graphic, but it was horrifying.
That would be awesome. The Slums of Beverly Hills, which caught the spirit of my childhood.
The hose rape scene traumatized me for years.
You know her son didn’t die? He opted out of being part of the family.http://pagesix.com/2016/04/09/gloria-vanderbilt-doc-leaves-out-key-details-on-estranged-son/
They thing about Cooper is I don’t think he’d deny that it opened doors for him, not just the great education but the connections. I like that. It would be stupid not to take advantage of opportunity, almost as stupid as it is to deny that having access to the most influential people in our society and a great…
It’s been many years since I read up on the Vanderbelt family, but I think being trust fund babies ruined many people Gloria loved.
Nothing is wrong with that. But as a parent with a kid who has ASD, it’s not her or anyone else’s place to.talk about it on such a huge public platform. My kid is fine with his diagnosis. When we got it at 8 for him, he was happy to know he wasn’t alone. We have friends who have a child with ASD, who haven’t told…
I ended up not going. It’s been a glorious day.