Carrie Bradshaw was always a wish fulfilment surrogate.
Carrie Bradshaw was always a wish fulfilment surrogate.
The US also uses Pu-238 because it won’t flat out kill you if you happen to be in the same room with it. PU is an alpha source, and while it’s toxic as a substance, alpha radiation isn’t all that dangerous unless you ingest it or breath it in. There have even been (ill-considered) experiments (some without telling the…
If EA is anything like they were in 2009, they probably hung up that call - and then immediately celebrated their most profitable year to date.
as someone who worked at EABR a few years ago I can say this isn’t all too surprising
Same, and I agree that if it had actually been the first followup to T2 it would have been much-better received. I have multiple friends who had no interest whatsoever until I finally saw it and mentioned to them that it was really good, and then after they watched they absolutely agreed.
Wait, I really liked Terminator Dark Fate. It was a suitable sequel to Judgement Day and returned the series to gnarly, hard R action violence that had been lacking. I blame the Dark Fate bombing on three straight dogshit sequels that poisoned the well before we finally got a good one.
I just wish I could overlay a big ol’ flapping in the wind Rainbow flag over this bag-o-pus shitbird’s post and pissy/hate-filled rant.
Be sure to flag the comment, too
Fuck off
Having lost my father to COVID in the early days of the pandemic, I’m not sure words exist to convey just how little sympathy I have for this selfish, abhorrent nonsense. I get that people have medical freedom, but if someone won’t get vaccinated (without a legitimate medical exemption), then for the love of god, shut…
Just wait until it’s announced that Tarantino will be making Don’t Worry Darling 2 starring Matthew Perry.
He’s been interviewing all over recently. I think he’s trying to build interest in that mystery series he’s about to make.
They wrung all the mileage they could out of Matthew Perry’s book.
Tell me you don’t understand the effects of drugs without saying, “I do not understand how drugs affect humans.”
The fucking devils lettuce am I right! Effing wacky tabacky. Pot heads are scum and can't function! /s
Yeah, it’s also weird in True Romance with the “Sicilian Speech”. I’m not saying that he doesn’t overuse it. Just that I’d be a lot more up in arms if it was thrown around like F and T slurs were by “good characters” in so many other films by other writers/directors.
I’m sure the gay community loves being referred to as “big chunks”.
I think that whenever you comment, someone should say “Hey, that’s Slander!”
Watching her facial expressions in the scene in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood where she goes to the theatre and watches herself on screen for the first time made it clear to me that she isn’t just exceptionally beautiful, she’s also extremely talented. Her face told and sold the story 100%.