She’s helped inspire a lot of good changes in the industry and in gamer culture. Thanks for all your hard work, Anita.
She’s helped inspire a lot of good changes in the industry and in gamer culture. Thanks for all your hard work, Anita.
That’s what turned me off AJLT. It’s all rich-people problems now. That’s why I noped out of Uncoupled, too: Much as I like NPH, watching his character and said character’s ex fighting over some fancy bathroom towels was too frustrating.
If it broke open, the radiation could kill the whole crew. Watney only dug it up because he needed it enough to risk it.
An RTG figures in the plot of The Martian (both the book and film.) Watney digs up the buried RTG from their lander and uses it to heat the inside of his rover (and also enjoys the lagniappe power it supplies to run other systems.)
People really should revisit 76, rather than letting the bad experience of launch and people bitching on reddit keep them from it. It’s improved by leaps and bounds.
I worked at EABR for eight years, jumped ship to another industry in 2017 but still have friends who were -until today- still there. This is very sad news. RIP EABR.
The fact that y’all not only didn’t put The Replacements as #1, but left it off the list entirely tells me everything I need to know about the current state of the AV Club. It was fun while it lasted.
The new kids are all so cute and funny.
Until he dies and is cloned as a meganerd.
I literally just uninstalled the other day. Womp womp.
This National Treasure show was filmed in Baton Rouge. It’d be about time something worth watching got made here.
Y’all sure are making a big meal out of Tarantino this week. What’s up with that?
As one of The Gays, I don’t mind it. But I was also referring to the non-Christians who are similarly unwelcome on GAF.
“The Media is seeking to divide us!” complains a media personality and producer who’s being criticized for making entertainment that deliberately excludes big chunks of the population.
I worked on that NBA JAM. It was a great game, but it’s time to let it go.
Okay, so, my theory for Titania showing up at the climax (and still being present after Jen’s edits) is: After the wedding fight, she gained respect for Jen. When she saw that these Intelligencia pricks were set on taking Jen down, she used her influencer powers to get the location of their meeting so she could…
It’s very clearly bullshit, I agree. Looking at Louisiana, Kroger is #3? There’s ONE Kroger in the whole state. Vons is #5? They don’t exist here at all.
I was just wondering the other day how S2 was coming along.