Edward's Pecan pie is a solid option, can confirm.
Edward's Pecan pie is a solid option, can confirm.
Reddit is the social media equivalent of Ebola
The issue with PJs Epic Pepperoni-Stuffed Crust Pizza, its a pre-made frozen crust. The idea would have been fine, had they used fresh dough, instead it was some flat gross cardboard crust... had the misfortune of ordering it.
I expected it to be a liberal toilet in here, AV Club never disappoints...
It was a glorious episode, a masterclass in exposing idiocy and hypocrisy from multiple angles. The “black heaven” skit was the smartest bit I’ve seen on SNL in many, many years.
Cool, haven't watched SNL since the last time he hosted. Looking forward to it, thanks for letting me know AV Club!
AV Club has turned into a toilet....
So...blame wypipo... got it.
The Honda Fit, basically the perfect commuter car. A hybrid/EV version would have been a good...fit as well.
Make a movie with a proven rapist, it’s what WB does....
Good for him. Can you imagine.....
You pay for that? Buddy...
Its sooooooooooo formulaic. Its literally the TV version of making a box cake.
I feel like network scripted TV will die, or at least the dramas. Comedy might stick around, but the drama....is not good. The last network show I finished was Lost, I hung around Grey’s for a while but the lead became an argumentative and insufferable anti-anti hero. It was impossible to watch, it became Real…
Meh... I don’t hold Hollywood folk on a pedestal anymore. Social Media has brought them down to earth, actors/musicians/comedians, are as flawed and f’d up as your next door neighbors. Or, me and you.... Not sure why Mulaney is expected to be less f'd up than every other 40 year old guy you've ever met... He and his…
My ex-wife called him the panty dropper...
Please just put the Joker: Joaquin Phoenix and Batman: Robert Pattinson in the absolute darkest film possible. Let either Matt Reeves, Todd Phillips, Patty Jenkins, or Robert Eggers direct, and get Trent Reznor to do the music. Throw in a heaping helping of Zoe Kravitz and Gal Gadot and you have a hit. Did I mention…
Alexander Skarsgård first hit my radar w/Generation Kill, and he was absolutely brilliant. The series was excellent to begin with, though the production values were... often poor, the writing and acting, and themes, were great. I spent 10 years in the Army, like 46 months in Iraq, mid naughts, and his portrayal…
A KFC/Taco Bell type arrangement would be ideal, though I doubt McDonald’s would be willing to lose out on coffee sales. Though, combined McDs/KK would truly be the deathstar of fast food.