
Uh.... yes please. Though, pass if it’s an EV, a hybrid would be great, but all electric wouldn’t be in the spirit imho.

The Acolyte, Andor it ain't...

 Jalopniks hatred of all things Elon is completely tiresome...

Mental illness...

Been following AV Club since 2008 . My favorite was following Lost, Noel Murray.

From the waaaaaay future. Hawaii 5-0 . Yup, pretty much

In NE Georgia they eat stink bugs, an invasive and very annoying insect. I tell my little ones they are “friendly spiders”, to steer clear and leave them alone. They are very intense and intimidating looking, but are completely harmless, and very skidish. Basically bug killers, love seeing them around my home.

So F'n sensitive...

The least surpising thing I've heard all week.

We get it.... you hate Tesla. 

Brown Butter, Chicken/Yellow, Beef/Brown, 3-1 Soy to butter, and 3-1 Frank’s RH to butter. Bout it.

Nobody, well..  maybe the Japanese, do convenience food better than Americans.

A fresh hot cheese arepa is honest to God perfection.

Their chips are awful.

Its the fryer, Taco Bell is charging people for the use of their new fryers.

Ill go to my local Cuban/Puerto/Dominican place and get an actual empanada, thanks. They’re like $2 and have the best salsa on earth.

Its casserole. Or... bread lasagna. Pizza, it’s not. Sorry, it’s not pizza, it’s something all together different. It just is.

....the most annoying and ridiculous foodies....

I mean, see the coments posted, they make it sound like Americans are standing in lines for bread and milk....