Can’t wait to binge the entire series and cap it off with Rogue One. Including RO, the Andor storyline has been the best written Star Wars series in its existence. It's SW for people that need actual plot....
Can’t wait to binge the entire series and cap it off with Rogue One. Including RO, the Andor storyline has been the best written Star Wars series in its existence. It's SW for people that need actual plot....
A vinaigrette with high quality olive oil and vinegar, and a healthy dollop of a good spicy brown mustard. Heavy on the vinegar...
93% of the time a diner gets the boot, or is banned, alcohol is involved.
He spent a lot if time in the South, always appreciated that about him.
If your into food and drink, Spain is a must. I make the trip every couple years and have never been disappointed, and honestly never do much more than eat, drink good wine and gin and tonics. The food culture and dining experience over there is fantastic, especially up North.
Hollywood is gross....
The show is disgusting...
Well, she certainly has a type.
Too bad she's not funny....
If a white man plays even music, from black culture, it's appropriation. When a Disney Princess black, it's progress
Why is it so hard for Disney to make a princess from Africa?
Not really....
Yes. ... Hitler..... nice argument.
The screams, and screeches of CULTURAL APPROPRIATION and racism would be so loud it woul be unbelievable....
Well put some white guy, an SNL standout
Lets do a new version of Fresh Prince of Bel Air, no one will watch it, but we'll do it any way...because.... Race.
Its culture appropriation....
Are you stupid?
Carrie Mathison was a terrible character... I say this as someone that suffered through it.