He’s great. My cousin’s daughter is into ASMR and loves his videos because of all the “mmms” and “ahhhs” and the crinckling and cracking when he opens them.
He’s great. My cousin’s daughter is into ASMR and loves his videos because of all the “mmms” and “ahhhs” and the crinckling and cracking when he opens them.
Check out Steve1989MREInfo on youtube. He’s awesome. He buys MRE’s from previous wars and opens and eats (if safe) the contents. I watched one yesterday where he ate a bit of British emergency ration from the Second Boer War (1898-1902). He only ate the concentrated beef, not the chocolate powder. It’s wild how long…
I don’t know. I was in Chicago last Wednesday and the car definitely did not work right even after a 5 minute idle. Took about 10-12 minutes of highway driving to get it to shift into 4th (it was a rental so automatic transmission, and I didn’t go faster than about 40 mph until it shifted) and about 20 minutes before…
Haha. That they do not. The only explanation I can come up with is Goff was tired of getting blasted and figured that was the easiest way to avoid it.
I texted a buddy of mine the deer in a headlight look and play of Goff last night. He really looked scared. He was backfooting and literally bailing on just about every throw. When he stood up and fired (taking the hit) he usually completed those passes. He’s young so he’ll learn from this, but I still think that…
I still live in Philly and while Hayes was a good guess, Ford is a fucking moron. And as you stated I and I would guess most Phillies fans, would have understood that he would go in as Blue Jay. I’m surprised his wife and kids are going with the blank cap seeing as he said he’d go in a Jay.
I suppose I could have asked for the airline to pay for the rental car, but I already had one reserved in Peoria so I just grabbed on in Chicago and made it a one way.
Well, what I usually do is find out if there is something cool to do in the city I’m headed to or if I have friends that live there and will either fly out Friday night and spend the weekend, take care of business Monday through whatever and then fly home; or make sure business ends on Thursday night or Friday morning…
My thoughts exactly. This happened to me headed to Peoria IL through Midway. First flight out of Philadelphia was delayed to the point where I took off from Philly when my second plane was taking off from Midway to Peoria. Rather than wait until the next flight which was in the morning, I rented a car and drove the…
I can’t even imagine that much travel. I’m at the 30-45 days per year and it’s starting to drag on me.
Awesome! Come back soon!
That’s good info as my company has a facility in Cleveland and more than likely I’ll end up visiting there at some point.
Totally agree. It was meant to point out that that was the only positive of eating with the boss.
I’ve gotten in the habit of getting my 3 each a different key chain from the city I’m in. It’s cheap but kind of keeps a log of where I’ve been.
I always sit away from coworkers on the plane especially my boss. How else can I binge watch whatever is my current show du jour? And yes, dinner with the boss/coworkers sucks except that he/she has to do the expenses for that dinner.
Exactly. The first few months or even a year if it’s only once a month, but after that FUCK IT.
Yeah, on about 1-2 blocks of either 4th street or 5th street.
Last year, my fourth, is when I started resenting it. Yeah it’s fun seeing different parts of the country but its so much better being at home. My normal commute is 2 miles from my driveway to the front door of the office so that 26 mile 45 minute (only when it’s 5am otherwise 1-1.5 hours) trek to the airport 1-2…
To Ben r.e. work travel. Since you have kids (I have 3 so know what I’m talking about here) it is nice to get away from home for a few days at a time. The meals are good to great even when eaten alone. Some might say having a nice dinner by yourself is better than with your screaming kids, but that’s a personal thing.…
Awesome!! We love them among others in the city. Hope your visit to our fine city was similarly great all over.