
My oldest (he’s 7) want’s to play so bad. I told that there is no way he is playing football. I played for 10+ years starting in elementary school and stopping during my freshman year of college. I’m sure I’ve got some sort of brain issues headed my way as I get older - I’m 42 now and I don’t want him to have that

There should be a separate director that has multiple feeds going that can move the action around as needed as they do with traditional sports that have multiple cameras working. That said it was still fun to watch except that a guy who lived in the blue won with 4 kills and a 1st place finish in a match while Break

South Philly parking at it’s absolute best!!! Always a fun drive when I don’t want to be on the parking lot that is called the Schuylkill Expressway to get to games or concerts. Or some of the best out of the way Italian, Mexican, and French restaurants that are not owned by Stephan Starr or other mass

Dude, I fly into Chicago like 2-3 times a year and avoid O’Hare like the fucking plague. Give me the shittier restaurants/bars of Midway any day for the quicker drives in and out.

3 Innings of 9 out baseball

Well, I played from 3rd grade through freshman year of college and it is very easy to lead with your shoulder. In fact the shoulder into the runner’s chest/midsection is how a perfect tackle is performed. As the tackler the only thing your head is supposed to strike, if done correctly, is the ball in an attempt to

No, he definitely led with the crown of his helmet which is equally as dangerous for the hitter as the hittee. And it is very easy to lead with a shoulder as opposed to your head. That said, the runner was making moves so even if he had led with his shoulder there is a good chance of head to head contact which is

I already said he led with his head, but technically you use your shoulder to initiate a proper tackle and then wrap with your arms to prevent the runner from disengaging and running away.

I’m not sure if that should be a penalty or not. He led with his head, definitely, but that was kind of a high speed play with the runner making moves. That is just a tough call. It really is just a dangerous play all around. Playing the football in general is dangerous, but when guys are flying around in the 4th

I used to live and die with the Eagles. See my avatar. But now if I miss a game its oh well.

I refuse to click on NFL twitter highlights. Fuck the NFL.

We had a playoff game last night where the the other team’s oldest player was 30. They had 1.5 total lines and still almost won with the energy they can bring.

My sons 5 and 7 are already better skaters than me. And the “boys” I play with are in their mid 20's and very early 30's for the most part.

Well, unless you are starting from Jersey or somewhere where it takes 45 - 60 minutes to reach the PA turnpike, 300 miles / 78 mph = 3.8 hours plus 30-45 minutes for food/fuel still gets you there in 4.5 hours.

It does tend to keep me feeling younger hanging out with the boys.

Yep. I do that trip about 3-5 times per year, so I also have a pretty good idea of the Statie’s hiding spots.

300 miles / 80 miles per hour = 3.75 hours. Add in a gas and food stop and you end up with 4.5 hours.

Was that when the speed limit was 55, 65, or 70?

Well, I’m not about to head into Center City just to work my way back out, but I know that what you state is true.

You are not kidding. I’d give anything to not be in an industry that does randoms. I work in the corporate office but do have to make several trips to the steel mills my company works at and there is always the remote chance I’ll be randomed by the mill.