
You can do 79-80 before the Staties even look at you. I start in the Fort Washington/Willow Grove area and can hit Pittsburgh in about 4.5 hours. Naturally if the kids are in tow we’re talking 5.5 - 6 since multiple potty breaks and food stops are required whereas by myself for work, if I have a vehicle that can

Almost exactly 300 miles door to door. It typically takes about 4.5 hours, but your point is spot on in that they are just barely related by geography.

The two drink max. Definitely. I went on a camping trip with my adult hockey team (I’m the old guy at 42) Saturday night and I’m still not sleeping correctly as of today. It totally fucks up sleep patterns and the hangovers at this age are 2-3 days in length if it was a true 20-somethingesque bender.

I’m not sure how this is any different than WhatsApp. Seems the same to me.

This is a tough one, probably too tough for a Friday but: When do you know it’s time to put your dog down? My guy is 12 year old yellow lab with creaky as back legs but is not there yet, but I’d like to know what to look for.

Not a follow-up. Just the Reading Terminal Market is the fucking tits!

Its not the germs I’m worried about, it just helps make cleanup quicker for me. But you’re correct in that it is not needed.

Yeah, I use light dish soap on my cast iron all the time to get seriously stuck on stuff off and have never had the seasoning lift. The only time I’ve removed the seasoning on my pan is when I left it in the oven when I put the self cleaner on. Damn thing looked brand stinking new; took a month to get back close to

My guess is it was a custom game from a streamer’s group or some gaming clan.

George Costanza did that job for a week. Fucked it all up.

That’s my feeling as well. They play without a fucking goalie for Christ’s sake. We told him if he wanted to do it, fine but he has to finish out the entire fall season. After that if he doesn’t like it he can not do the spring and go back to rec the following fall.

Agreed. I’m not super jazzed my 7 year old made the travel U8 soccer team, but he wants to play and he was good enough to get through tryouts, so its a travelling Slag family this fall. At least when the other son’s soccer games are scheduled (I’ll be coaching that team).

I didn’t get my first 2 day hangover until I was 35 but fuuuuuuck, what a nightmare. For most part those only happen once or twice a year - weddings, milestone birthdays, etc. Other than that I’m pretty good at keeping the drinking controlled enough to not get more than a crappy morning.

Best whole chicken method: Spatchcocked on a grill skin side down first 20 mins with cast iron pan on top, then flip for remainder of cook time;

DC’s 495 does the same, except is also passes between DC and Baltimore.

We do that when we head to my father-in-laws house where he grew up west of State College. But to go from Philly to Pitt it takes the least amount of time... cruise control at 79 mph for the majority of the time, except Philly, Pittsburgh and Harrisburg at rush hour.

Which one? There are a few 495's on the East Coast. I would assume the DC Belt one but it could be another.

Not sure about the Mass TP being the worst - I’ll take your word for it since I only use it to take the long way around NYC sometimes - but I-81 does have some nice scenery.

And the Pennsylvania Turnpike is where truckers go to kill people.

I wouldn’t mind switching to that type of gig as opposed to the steel industry.