
There’d be no snarky reply then. And really, I’ve yet to see a hunter put anything other than a male deer on the wall, or table in this case I guess.

Yep. You are correct. I really thought that female elk had antlers. I knew female moose did not. Learn something everyday.

Yes, they are called reindeer. Not likely to find any of those in the lower 48. And so do elk, and they are part of the deer family, and not really the deer WS is describing. And their antlers would take up the entire fucking table.

That deer was all sorts of roided up.

Anyway, if I’m putting any antlers on the table, they’re gonna be real. None of these poseur antlers for me. I’m taking down Bambi’s mom and then making her head the centerpiece of my turkey dinner.

Yep. Just block facebook off at the router for my wife.

Fair point, but the other side is the spotters probably don’t have much of a history on concussions suffered previously because of the macho attitude in hockey.

As we saw, you are right in that it was just a chin/jaw injury but the indication that he hit is jaw is all the spotters are looking for. Sucks for him and his team, but yeah better safe than sorry.

He get’s no time to warm when the starter is pulled for poor play, why is this any different? As the backup goaltender for the evening, he should be prepared to go in at a moments notice.

Hits to the chin cause, maybe not a majority but a whole freaking bunch of concussions. That is the real reason players in the football, hockey, and combat sports where mouthpieces, it cushions the effect of a blow to the chin. It has to do with the jawbone being jammed into the skull I think (I could be talking

It’s not the regular alumni every is harping on here... it’s the fucking thousands of JoePa apologists that keep saying he did nothing wrong or that he did what he was supposed to you know like calling the cops or firing Sandusky when he found out in 1986; but oh yeah, he didn’t because he needed the piece of shit to

I’m far from a hipster (actually a 41 year old father of 3), not that I made it popular, but I do promote it to everyone I know that has to travel to places where they have a shack.

I got into an argument last night with a buddy who still insists that it was the board of directors fault and that Paterno couldn’t have possibly done any more than he did. I wanted to smash his head through the fucking table.

I understand that it’s hard to be lumped in with the cultists, but I’d say most of the Penn St. alumni I know in the Philadelphia area all want everyone to just get over it, specifically the boys that were assaulted and ignored for decades. Most of these alumni wish we’d go back to ignoring those poor kids (now grown

Are you kidding? The kool-aid drinkers forgave (denied it happened or that Paterno had anything to do with it really)the entire situation about 10 minutes after it was brought to light. Fuckers are totally brainwashed.

That can be a problem, but well worth it imho.

I see your point, but there has to be a first step. I would guess that for many, many residents of Flint, the affordability of even community college is out of reach. These jobs would begin the transition from out of reach to within reach. They also provide training and maybe even more important, a work history

If, and its a big fucking if, the infrastructure improvements actually go into building/repairing roads, bridges, rail, etc. the people in towns and cities like Flint would be getting those jobs. The federal interstate system was build for the sole reason of providing jobs. As a civil engineer, I get the

Ha. I have a name that is so common, like John Smith, but not John Smith that I put my real name down. I’m sure some NSA freak can figure out who I am from IP address or some shit, but wtf? All I did was answer the questions the sriracha stained monkey asked.

Gotta disagree that hipsters make it better. Never has Honey Butter or Roost, but there’s a place in Tennessee just outside of Memphis (and now in a lot of places in the South) called Gus’s World Famous Fried Chicken. It was easily the best fried chicken I’ve ever had.