
Er, no. Pele hasn’t played soccer in decades, Wenger manages every day. You’re not entirely wrong about Wenger, but your analogy is atrocious.

Awesome story- and this is nothing new in America. In the early 2000s the Lost Boys of Sudan made there way over here and dominated the running scene. I had the pleasure of running with a teammate who ran sub-1:50 in the 800 and 48.X in the 400 on about 15-20 miles per week. When he got here he could barely speak any


He's awesome.

This is the correct answer. I've been through at least 100 pairs of the Peg since high school- great shoe.

This is the correct answer. I've been through at least 100 pairs of the Peg since high school- great shoe.

Who keeps track of their race finish to that specific of a percentage? Just run and race and improve, who cares what percentage you're in. Your finishing percentage doesn't mean a thing.

Rowbury has no TUEs and has only been with NOP for a year or so. She's a stud.

Sorry guys they’re both wrong. Jackson Martinez is 28 or 29, either way it’s closer to 50 than 0, and so Jackson Martinez is 50, and that is too old to play for Arsenal.

This is nice, but when will we see the 8-Series Grand Coupe?

Three or four American women have a legitimate shot at an Olympic gold in the 800m- they’re that good this year. Wilson, Price (World Champion indoors at 800m last year), Martinez, Cain, Montano- all have legitimate shots. Cain will probably go up in distance, and Martinez might as well, but the other three have

I would have won that race by 7-8 seconds. Just sayin’

Yeah that’s not right.

No idea what you are talking about- I was being sarcastic, running barefoot is stupid and there's a reason that zero elite runners train/race barefoot.

I was being sarcastic.

Maximalist shoes are snake oil, but Born to Run is not. We're all meant to run barefoot, that's why the Tarahumara are such amazing runners. That's why Kenyans all run barefoot and they are the fastest people ever duh.

Raptor? Hardly knew 'er!

I like the part with the dancing.

See, that's better! I knew you had a decent insult in you. Good job, good effort.

In what scenario in the world would anyone ever get back at someone by "choking on a dick"? That comment makes no sense. If you had just said "Go choke on a dick", fine, that makes sense. That's an insult, and I accept that. But how would my "choking on a dick" get back at you? That doesn't make any sense. Your

No. He gives a reason to doubt his computer's system (an absurdly high, probably unsustainable three-point percentage) yet still rates them more highly than Duke.