I was being sarcastic. They do not run barefoot. Mr. Smart Guy.
I was being sarcastic. They do not run barefoot. Mr. Smart Guy.
You are obviously way too smart to have noticed my sarcasm, or to have scrolled down to see all of my comments explaining that I was being sarcastic, or to have googled for the answer and noticed that literally no elite Kenyan or Ethiopian runners run barefoot.
....it was sarcasm. They don't run barefoot, ever.
Except East Africans never, ever train or race barefoot. I was being sarcastic.
I know, I know. Sarcasm.
My initial statement was sarcastic, as explained way too many times below, sorry you missed it.
Yeah, the elite runners who win hundreds of thousands of dollars racing marathons and have Nike contracts and get free gear and shoes and a paycheck can't afford real shoes. And that's why they run barefoot, even though they don't run barefoot, they were traditional running shoes. Brilliant analysis.
Nooooooo. No. They don't run barefoot. You just made up a bunch of things that sounded good to you and thought I would agree.
Hahaha "Press '1' if you thought I was being serious and disagree with me...You have selected '1'...I was being sarcastic, and know that elite runners in Africa do not wear barefoot shoes."......"Press '2' if you thought I was being serious and agree with me...You have selected '2'...I was being sarcastic, and the…
That's not a question at all, because they do wear shoes, and have for decades.
Bikila did...in the early 1960s. And won the Olympic marathon. And then four years later did it again, winning in a time several minutes faster, wearing shoes.
I feel like I'm going insane. But, responding to everyone is better than doing actual work so...
Sarcasm...they don't wear barefoot shoes or run barefoot ever.
(Face palm) no they don't.
That is utterly false. And they don't run barefoot, they never do.
They are always wearing running shoes.
1. None of them run barefoot
Fred's got slacks is a winner.
I was being sarcastic. They never, ever run barefoot. It's not fucking hard to understand. Jesus.