No, they don't. And they don't run on dirt and cinder tracks barefoot either. I was being sarcastic. They never, ever, ever run barefoot.
No, they don't. And they don't run on dirt and cinder tracks barefoot either. I was being sarcastic. They never, ever, ever run barefoot.
Easier answer. I was being sarcastic, and they all wear shoes when they run and train, and you just pulled that shit out of nowhere.
I was being sarcastic. Ethiopians run on dirt roads and tracks and paved roads. And they all wear shoes.
Huh? Sorry I was being sarcastic. They all wear shoes.
Pussified American runners wear the same shoes that Kenyan and Ethiopian elites wear- I was being sarcastic. Jesus.
I was being sarcastic, they wear shoes.
CHILL OUT. If you did a search down the screen for two seconds you would have seen that I was being sarcastic, and have pointed it out dozens of times. They don't train barefoot ever, whether they are running on roads or trails. Chill. Out.
Hi Maxi,
Hi Ethiopia Joe,
THANK YOU. Maybe you could take over for me for a few hours and respond to them? The pay is terrible, and there's literally no satisfaction, and I hate my life.
You know absolutely nothing about what you are typing. They do not run barefoot. They do not train barefoot. I was being sarcastic.
Sarcasm, as pointed out fifty times below. They don't train barefoot. They never run barefoot.
I was being sarcastic. They don't actually run barefoot or wear barefoot-type shoes, but that's just a little semantic detail.
I've raced one and I qualified for Boston. I've run one half marathon and I was under 1:15. But I'm a mid-distance runner, not a marathoner.
Sorry, I was being sarcastic. They don't train or run barefoot or in barefoot-type shoes. They also don't work any harder than the elites from other countries, they just have a deeper pool of elite talent from which to pull.
I was polite and patient to everyone who did not get my sarcasm, except the guy who called me a douchebag. I think calling him an ass was pretty fair game.
Nooooo. No. They don't run barefoot. I was being sarcastic.
Wait seriously :( aw man what a sick burn
it was sarcasm. They don't train or run barefoot, ever.
@lmallen00 instead of getting pissed off and attacking me, scroll down for four seconds and you'll see that I'm being sarcastic. Christ, settle down. As a running fan/nerd/enthusiast who can name the last 3 Americans in every Olympic and World Championship distance event in the 2000s, I'm embarrassed to be associated…