I know, I know. Sarcasm. Scroll down. It's all right there for you to see.
I know, I know. Sarcasm. Scroll down. It's all right there for you to see.
I am glad you found humor when I just spent the entire day face-palming :(
I am regretting it, deeply. I wasn't "trolling", I thought I was being very obviously sarcastic! The responses have fallen into two categories- people who "agree" with me and cite some bullshit facts that don't exist because obviously Kenyan and Ethiopian runners don't actually train and race barefoot, and people who…
I was about to get very upset that i was going to have to for the 100th time say I was being sarcastic, and that Kenyans and Ethiopians don't actually train barefoot, and then I got to the end of your first sentence and realized you were making a Hobbit reference and I loved it.
They don't train or race barefoot, in barefoot shoes, in FiveFingers, or anything like that.
Sarcasm. They do not train barefoot or in barefoot shoes.
I don't know what your last sentence is trying to say, but I'd love to see pictures of these "elites" training and racing barefoot or in footie shoes. I'll wait on those pictures.
You're kind of right, but really I was being sarcastic. No elite runners train barefoot or in barefoot-shoes. I don't think it's good for anyone, regardless of the surfaces you train on.
Yes they can.
Huh? Biased blogger says so? "if these are so bad for runners than why do all of elite Kenyans and Ethiopians train exclusively barefoot and in barefoot shoes? Because biased blogger says so." You lost me.
I see you missed the sarcasm in my post, along with the baker's dozen or so other posts I made clarifying that.
Jeeez that is a long post. I read the first few lines and sorry, I just don't buy into the barefoot running fad even a little bit. None of the elite runners of the world actually train barefoot or in barefoot-type shoes. None of them ever will again. I love my Nike and Adidas running shoes, I stay pretty injury-free…
And what is "feet lifestyle"? My American feet are off sunbathing while African feet are subsistence farming? Also, they don't actually train barefoot, or run barefoot ever. Again, it was sarcasm.
Are you really that dense that you didn't sense the sarcasm from my three question marks and caps-lock final sentence? Are you so dense that you didn't see my dozens of other replies explaining that I was being sarcastic? Are you so dense that instead of taking four seconds to look at other replies you took four…
I was being sarcastic. I know that none of the elite runners today wear barefoot shoes or run barefoot. I am familiar with Bikila and Ethiopian running.
That's very, very wrong.
Zola Budd is an elite runner? I had no idea. I'll look out for her in Rio.
:( I hope you are being sarcastic. I am in tears, broken from everyone either agreeing with my sarcastic post with facts that they have pulled out of thin air, or disagreeing with my post and missing the sarcasm entirely. I need a drink.