Stop commenting on things you don't know anything about. They do not dodge lions and hyenas in their training. They do not train barefoot. They wear shoes. I was being sarcastic. Christ.
Stop commenting on things you don't know anything about. They do not dodge lions and hyenas in their training. They do not train barefoot. They wear shoes. I was being sarcastic. Christ.
Ughhhhhhh just stop commenting on things you don't know anything about. Just stop it.
"Because they are too poor to buy running shoes" -absolutely not. Nike and Adidas give them free shoes.
You are missing the sarcasm as pointed out a dozen or so times below. Not all of them are toe strikers either. Heel striking isn't inherently bad.
But they are not running in racing flats, they are racing in racing flats. And they are not pretty much the same thing.
Well yeah, but Skechers makes traditional running shoes. Kind of a big difference there.
(Face palm) Scroll down two replies, maybe three. Take four seconds to look at other replies and other posts I've made instead of taking thirty seconds to write your response. I was being sarcastic. All of those unnecessary capital letters and excessive question marks were hints that I was being sarcastic. Jesus…
They do. All of them. Every elite runner in the world.
I am really glad it worked out for you. The key to running for 99% of people is to get healthy and fit.
Seriously? More responses like this? Christ.
Scroll down two comments. I was being sarcastic. Christ, calm down.
Please just scroll down five comments. I was being sarcastic. I know they train in regular shoes.
Third possibility- they don't ever run barefoot/in barefoot shoes and I was being sarcastic, as pointed out approximately 78 times below.
Dear Sir,
They all wear Nike and Adidas on training days too. I was being sarcastic.
I disagree. I don't think a single person in any major league sport in the United States could have started training for the marathon at 15 and become world class in it. It's a completely different body type. We simply don't have the runners. Maybe we'll have one or two or ten guys who can run sub-2:10 eventually, but…
(Face palm)
No. They wear shoes.
No, they don't feel more comfortable running barefoot. They wear shoes as soon as they have them.