A repulsive post for a repulsive new format. Great work, Giz.
A repulsive post for a repulsive new format. Great work, Giz.
It's not our galaxy. It's an actual photo of another spiral galaxy used as an example.
Where did you get that from? Light does not "degrade." You have just been caught making shit up.
Nothing happens to the signals. They keep travelling at the speed of light. The author is a gadget geek, not a real geek.
Pretty sad. This is a case of misquoting a misquote. And it hurts my soul.
Why bait the fanboys? Lame, giz, lame.
Surprise! If you take a video with a shaky 240i camera you can't see people lying down in camouflage 30 feet away.
File this one under "design student whose parents pay tuition."
"landscape" here is used only in the technical sense...
@Steezy McFresh: wait... you're comparing a State of the Union address to a video game announcement.... hold on a second here.... wtf? Have you never seen a State of the Union address? I'm so disappointed and confused.
@tylerbrainerd: oooh. felt that one.
That this still surprises people surprises me.
Really? Is the author of this article that new to gadgets to think that their 3 year old SSD will be worth 2/3 of what they pay now? (or that their used HDD is worth anything?)
@Kate Mangan: It's good to have high standards for yourself. It's also good to know that you judge your work on the length rather than content. (Any professor worth his salt knows to look at word count rather than page total).
@charlieFirpo: Oh, sweet irony.
I edit a legal journal, so most of our authors are older (and some use wordperfect, yeah, that old). One of the first steps I take in an initial edit is to find/replace double spaces for single. Once time it reduced the size of an article by four pages!
Why did you delete my comment? Is this really so offensive, giz?:
This article is further proof that twitter breeds shallowness.
I totally feel like not doing drugs now. Thanks Mr. Stender.
@TRIbred: obvious troll is obvious