
Cloning Steve Jobs. They have nothing else.

Wow. This is pretty disgusting, Gizmodo. This is a paid for advertisement ("sponsored post") and yet it's posted as a review, complete with the "Gizmodo seal of approval"?

Silly Gizmodo, Macs never freeze up. Haven't you ever read Engadget?

@clevernamehere: calling it a sexist comment doesn't make it not sexist, nor does it make it true. But then again, you already knew that because you're better at putting yourself in other peoples shoes than I am.

@TheTonyShow: silly tony. Man didn't cause global warming. Jeezus did.

@Modred189: hmmm. I get your point, but it's a stretch to call this thing social, unless you're referring to socialites.

not gorgeous. looks like something engadget would like.

Thank god. I was starting to think there were too many jobs out there.