
They make me think of Pepe, which is not a good image to have around food, either.

How do you even figure out what’s food and what’s decoration? “This marzipan frog is kinda waxy.” “That’s because it’s a candle.”

In order: my mom, no one, you don’t. We frequently have to clear the table before eating.

You have just inspired me to put mini garden gnomes in all of my houseplants. Maybe a mini Loch Ness monster, if I can find one.

This table is missing garden gnomes.

Further hot take: tablescapes kind of suck. What sort of hostess decorates to this extent? What sort of guest cares? How do people eat with all that crap on the table?

I give parents who travel a lot throughout their children’s lives a pass. I can’t imagine having to put children of different ages in a new school system every year or so. Also with her kind of money, professional teachers are surely involved so it’s more of a one room schoolhouse situation than homeschooling as we

I was trying to be nice as it’s Christmas, but you are correct.

Or admit they’re the ones who fucked up, especially since Venus has money to go after. In fact, if the old lady had smashed into a non-rich person, I doubt they would pursue a civil suit at all.

As a teacher, I really wish I wouldn’t be so offended over her homeschooling. Especially since she wouldn’t be putting them in a public school anyway.

Yeah, teenage girls are the worst. At least boys punch each other, like civilized pple. I witnessed a group of 6 year olds (!) Doing this whispering giggling shit to one of the other girls. What, do they learn this shit in the womb?? It is the fucking worst.

Boys do that too. Teenagers are just mean.

Teenage girls are evil.

Or my favorite: “Oh, nothing. Go on.” *continue giggling*

I recently gave a talk to a class full of 18-19 year olds and they were all fine except these two girls in the front corner who pulled that shit (minus the comment about my hair). I’m in my late 30s and self-confident for the most part. And it still made me paranoid and uneasy. I had to fight the urge to run to the

You just want to get high off the mimeo fumes.

She strikes me as a former mean girl so I imagine she’s used to that interaction.

All of these are wrong. The most awful thing that teens do that makes everybody feel like their worst self is whisper and giggle amongst themselves while you’re speaking. And then if given the opportunity to say what they were giggling about they throw shade hard like “oh, we were just talking about your hair” and

How about sniggering and murmuring behind her back but as soon as she looks around being dead quiet and looking anywhere but at her?

“Teacher, I think I speak for the entire class when I say I’d rather have a pop quiz than a surprise Ivanka Trump visit. I’ll even go make the copies.”