
I think it’s less exhausting than touring because she can at least stay in one place and have the fans come to her. Yes, she’ll be doing the same show over and over but she was doing that anyway.

Half these men commenting remind me of this guy I used to be friends with who would negatively post about every remake or movie with women as the lead and couch it all in pseudo-cinematic jargon. I was like dude, you still live in your parents’ house and you work leading trivia at a dive bar, cut the shit.

I for one welcome our new female overlords.

I hope the feminists are taking over. These fragile boys have shown how the smallest things can upset their whole lives. Poor babies.

Let’s start a female led “Die Hard” rumor. Because nothing is sacred, fellas.

In an interview with the NY Daily News, Delonge said the NYT story was “only the tip of the spear” and that we should all expect “confirmation” soon. “I know that it’s fun to make snarky comments, but this isn’t the kind of thing to joke about,”

“I had hoped that my nearly two decades of public service might carry more weight than my two worst moments on television.”

Right in front of my SALAD???

Who’s yelling on the inside “In front of my salad? You’re president of the United States right in front of my salad?!”

i don’t have kids myself, but to me that looks like the face of a toddler whose cooperation has been purchased with the promise that she can shout one rude word as soon as they get a good photo

He’s one of those that orders Diet Coke with his huge pile of greasy fried food

I love that Obama and Michelle will be guests of honor at the wedding and Trump will likely not even get an invite.

No, he definitely drinks diet coke all damn day, just in conjunction with the kind of volumes of fast food that are generally assumed to feed several families. Like if you got a chinese food order that was comparable in price or calories, you’d get about 6 fortune cookies.

I assume he drinks a case a day (true!) to offset his McD calorie bombs.

On the one hand he has talked shit about people drinking diet coke. On the other hand he’s Donald Trump so consistency isn’t exactly a strong suit.

In 2016, Sarah Palin blamed her son’s violent actions on PTSD

The fact that Sarah Palin was ever the governor of Alaska (and Vice Presidential candidate) blows my mind. She & her family are a special kind of idiocy.

*gasps in horror*

😌 I was on the verge of ‘correcting’ you.