I hope Ryan Murphy doesn’t read this... because seriously, this screams American Horror Story.
I hope Ryan Murphy doesn’t read this... because seriously, this screams American Horror Story.
sounds like your decision is between a Rock and a hard place...
one gets Thanksgiving, the other Christmas. Duh.
counterpoint: I love it when our bald dads fight.
but instead of lemonade, she’ll call it #pumpkinspicelatte and it will be available just in time for the holidays.
WOW. Leo is so young in this.... he looks like he’s about 15. Now I feel old.
I want the “First Amendment People” to do something about Trump....
and for me too?
How embarrassing for everyone involved. None of those looks were pretty.
true... except he hasn’t always looked like him... or has he?
why does he look like Lord Disick? I can’t unsee it.
Kim should check out Amazon... they have a few BB Bolds for sale.
Is the Bold the one w/ the track ball? because I had that one and it was awesome, until it got all buggy and I switched to iPhone. I loved my BB, but I never looked back once I upgraded to what my BF calls “the evil empire”
I downloaded it last night and will be taking it camping this weekend... I’m not super outdoorsy, so hopefully it’s a good read (I’ve also downloaded a few other back ups just in case).
and they’d find a way to blame the victim, because she wasn’t “strong” enough to say no/fight back/trumps will be trumps.
and if people vote against him... it’s because the election is rigged!
Oh god... It just dawned on me... Trump is that tiny dog at the dog park that’s always humping the great dane’s leg because #dominance
strength, courage, and financial safety net.