
I’m sure my cousin is one of them... he hashtags Hillary for prison on all his photos... like cute family photos... I don’t get it... Why do you want her in prison? She wasn’t convicted of any crimes, you really think we should lock up people we don’t like? GTFO. I can’t stand Donald Trump... but I haven’t decided we

what about the movie “Straight Out Of The Suburbs??”

Dora has her own language?

I wish my great grandmother could have lived to see this. She wanted Hillary back in 2008, she thought men had done enough and it was time for a woman to clean up their messes. She would have been 106 this year.

Aaron Rodgers has made me switch teams... I’ve always been a Dallas fan (problematic, I know) and now it’s all about the green and gold, I even bought my dog a Packers jersey.

FLOTUS in perpetuity! YES!

photo of the bishop at a previous wedding he performed.

this gives me life. we should all aspire to this level of greatness.

from the linked article:

except he didn’t just ask for the kicking to stop. According to the linked article he was cussing at the kid and being a jackass himself.

but the fight started over a kid kicking a seat and the man, instead of calmly and rationally asking the kid to stop, he blew up cussed him out and basically did a “come at me bro” to a child. Of course the dad is going to react.... coming to blows? probably not the best idea, but when someone is threatening your

you’re most likely not wrong... #scariestsilverliningever

I understand being annoyed that your seat is being kicked... I even understand saying something to his parents (even though I probably would be much more passive aggressive about it... and just say something to the person next to me loud enough for the parents to hear, which is probably annoying too)... what I don’t

but what flavor was it?

internet hugs and chocolate.

but I’ve gone through many frosted strawberry poptart phases and no pregnancy ones... mostly stress eating though.

It boggles my mind. I don’t understand parents who want to party with their kids... Like party hard... backyard BBQs are one thing, but hitting up freshman orientation looking for hookups/serving as a gross criminal wingman? No.

wrong, frosted strawberry is the perfect flavor for a poptart shame spiral.

what’s the point of staying FB friends then? I like the delete/block feature, that way you just disappear into the interwebs like you may have deleted YOUR account instead of just unfriending.

he was probably manspreading while teaching his daughter how to be ladylike. vom.