he’s terrible and I can’t read beyond how the highball glass is modeled after his member.
he’s terrible and I can’t read beyond how the highball glass is modeled after his member.
Wtf? I'm sorry. That's super obnoxious.
Kalliope, Korey, Katrina, Kandace, Katy, Kayleigh, Konstance
This was the first (and most likely the last) time I had an inkling of respect for Ted.
He’s the reason why I refused to watch Fantastic Four.
this gives me life.
YES! I enjoyed the first 2 books... but was like WHAT THE EVER LOVING FUCK??? the whole time I was reading the 3rd. They changed the format of the storytelling and it was terrible.
Why does Miles Teller bother me so much? I hate his character in every movie I’ve seen him in, and whenever I see his name I want to punch his smug face. Is he a garbage person? Or is my loathing irrational? Is it both? It can be both.
hard pass.
this week it’s the floors, next week it’s the fries.
I want to know too!
they just want to police women’s bodies any way they can. Hillary is “fat” by their standards, I’ve heard many comments about how Michelle Obama (who is super fit and gorgeous) looks like a man because she’s too strong... Any way to tear women in power down, doesn’t matter how low the road is, they’re going to take…
I’m pretty sure that bumper sticker is missing some punctuation. It should read “Trump, That Bitch!”
I’m not super fond of using “that bitch” as an insult... not like Taylor Swift level offended, but I just feel like there has to be a better word.
Right? My BF and I were talking about this last night. You know they’re having so much fun with this.
that’s what I was thinking... seriously, it’s not like she was holding a sign that said “YOU SUCK RNC!!!” it said something we should all be promoting, no matter what party you are affiliated with.
I always thought she was singing “butt fucker face” LOL and was like “whatever floats your boat, but I’m surprised this is on the radio....”
he looks like Darren Criss and Taylor Lautner had a baby and made him.