Yeah, DI is the actual solution here. ‘Normal’ people don’t make money off of the existence of a body part in a particular state, like a Model or Movie Star does. ex. the scar on Klum’s leg reduces the ‘value’ of that leg.
Yeah, DI is the actual solution here. ‘Normal’ people don’t make money off of the existence of a body part in a particular state, like a Model or Movie Star does. ex. the scar on Klum’s leg reduces the ‘value’ of that leg.
5) Untitled Goose Game
I’m also vaccinated and boosted. I don’t give a flying fuck what other people do.
Dr. Fauci would agree with you.
You are low key the craziest person on here.
You assess your risk, I’ll assess mine.
They can certainly wear a mask if they’re concerned.
“It depends on what you call a “surge”.”
I’m sure at home testing is higher than it used to be, and that has a major effect. I also imagine lots of people just aren’t testing anymore. That doesn’t explain the sudden, massive drop in January/February
“The Biden administration notes that the extension is designed to further evaluate the ongoing Covid-19 surge as a result of the Omicron variant.”
This tip was in the comments for a previous article (that I’m too lazy to find right now). The least you could do is credit the original commenter for basically copying their idea.
So where is the car at now? Chilling in someone's service bay? Resold? Just curious as much as this guy is a retard.
Because cheap, quick meals is something people just shouldn’t be allowed access to?
This article is pretty much useless without pictures.
Elizabeth, you are to be congratulated on not doing this a a slideshow, but you still need to include pictures of these itchy plants. What is the plant at the top? I have it in my yard, and I would like to know it’s name.
And this will do absolutely friggin’nothing. From the article:
The Strategic Reserves were originally meant to only be accessed in times of National Emergency. Now, it seems every President taps them in order to keep their polling numbers up.
The only thing this release will do is to lower our strategic reserves. Any benefit is super short-term. The issue is supply driven. When you kill domestic energy production, you shrink supply. Demand remains constant or increases, so prices increase. We were net exporters of energy under former administration - the…
We aren’t in an emergency, funndamentally. We’re still in the elastic part of the supply and demand curve. He really shouldn’t release reserves yet. From a strictly utilitarian point of view. His motivation is likely political, so he can been seen as ‘doing something’ about the inflationary effects of this, plus all…
More use of the strategic oil reserve to use as a political tool. Joy.