Moose Knuckle

I put them in there after cracking them and then toss all of the broken shells in the trash. It’s a convenient place to put them while my hands are dirty, it would be far more of a pain to drag the trashcan to where I cook, and the probability of this causing any sort of issue is statistically 0.

This is a stupid take and you should feel stupid for typing it

They are really running out of things to write about

This is a stupid take and you should feel stupid for typing it out

It’s where I put mine while I finish cracking the rest of the eggs I’m going to use. Sometimes I put them in the top portion, sometimes I put them in the empty egg slots. Can’t tell you how many years I’ve done this and I have no intention on stopping because this is not a real problem worth worrying about.



Counter point, an amazon fire tablet is absolutely perfect for little kids. Tell me you don’t have kids without telling me you don’t have kids. Pretty terrible list overall tbh.

Given the data we have now, I wouldn’t be concerned. First, antibodies aren’t the be all, end all of our immune system. There is a lot more to suggest we would still mount a decent response to the new variant without a booster (but it’s obviously better to have the added protection). Kids are less susceptible to start

I’m pretty sure people aren’t skipping an extra helping of green beans or broccoli for dessert

The author of this “article” probably couldn’t even perform the basic maintenance that a quick lube place does yet he writes for jalopnik.

This one hits home, I really need to get better at this. I love lifting so I make it a priority but I do not enjoy cardio, even the lazy variety (except hiking but I can’t hike in my garage) so it’s always something that “I’ll get to eventually”.

It’s point is basically a fun vehicle. Not everything has to make sense. I wouldn’t own one because these don’t make sense but I always thought they were good looking and would be fun to drive.

Nothing will beat Chex Quest. Not only was that an awesome game but it came in a cereal box.

I bet you’re fun at parties

Considering I mentioned quad development specifically I think it’s safe to say I was talking about quad development specifically.

Agreed. There are some solid adjustable options for people on a budget as a flat bench those won’t be as good as a cheaper flat bench. The nicer adjustables are pretty solid as flat benches but you’re looking at prices around $500 at a minimum.

Also, the Concept2 BikeERG is my favorite bike option. Unlike an assault style bike, you can easily do LISS cardio but you can crank up the damper and do some HIIT style cardio as well. It is built like an absolute tank like everything from C2. Only con is it is loud due to being a fan but plug in some headphones and

This is an area I consider myself to be quite familiar with, been home gyming it for about 5 years now and seen the market change dramatically. A lot of the stuff on this list is stuff I have never had nor do I ever plan to. That’s not because they aren’t great items, it’s because my training doesn’t necessitate them.

All in one home gym machines are typically trash. The cable ratios are such that the max load is like 50 lbs on a lot of them. The only ones that are worth buying are things like the Prime Prodigy rack which is like $6k.