Moose Knuckle

I feel like magnatiles (and the similar variants) are great toys well beyond that age range. My seven year old is really enjoying them now more than when she was younger because she can build really cool stuff on her on. Before it was just her asking me to make her things.

Not sure if you saw Austin Baraki’s warmup to like a 600+lb squat in not much time but it was really interesting. He basically threw on a red and did one rep all the way up except for a few reps with the bar and the lighter weight sets. Made me realize I probably wasted too much time warming up so I changed things up

And if you’re going to take some, make sure you have some food in your system to avoid those stomach ulcers mentioned.

Been a MFer since the beta days and I will continue to be one as long as I can imagine. It is just so good. Gone are the days of me wondering if I should alter my intake and what I should really shoot for. 

I don’t have a pediatrician, my kids are adults.

Good advice except number 5. Maxing out your 401k should DEFINITELY take priority over paying down your house unless maybe you are nearing retirement. If you have a high interest rate you should refinance, otherwise your rate shouldn’t be much more than 3%. Long term you are FAR better off with the compound growth you

Stop interjecting your feelings into this, they don’t matter and you’re just deflecting and building typically anti-vax arguments. You said it before, the scientists running these trials know way more than you so why do you all of a sudden cast doubt on a sample size that is considered more than adequate?

First, have you considered consulting your pediatrician for their advice since they will be far more qualified to understand the research?

Right, the scientists conducting this study know a lot more than you or I so don’t you think they accounted for sample size in their analysis? I do have formal training in the statistics for experimental design but I won’t act like I am an expert in the field, however it isn’t that complicated really. They were

How many scientific studies have you conducted? Have you taken advanced statistics courses on experimental design? Surely you’re not talking out of your ass here, I am sure you have actual real world experience in this for you to be commented so confidently.

lol that’s rich

If only we had actual experts, perhaps even doctors to weigh in on this instead of anonymous internet commenters

Next time you think you know something, stop.

The only turkey I have enjoyed is a smoked turkey. Any other way and I’ll pass completely except it’s the main protein so I get just enough and focus on the sides. I’m not a big ham person but it’s worlds better than turkey.

I agree with your choice but just because turkey just doesn’t taste good. There’s a reason we don’t often roast a turkey and that’s because there are way better food choices out there.

All this and not one picture inside the actual tent?

I didn’t say you start at 1200 calories but to act like it’s automatically a starvation diet because of the average TDEE is stupid because just the average is a dumb statistic to use in general. It looks like the standard deviation in that study is around 397 calories. Within two standard deviations is not considered

The constrained energy model is incredibly misinterpreted by way too many people. On one of the studies Pontzer was on it showed something like on average, if you burn an extra 100 calories via exercise the actual increase in TDEE is around 72 calories. People are interpreting the constrained energy model as if you

Kids and adults don’t need multivitamins. In fact, unless you’ve been told by your doctor you need a certain vitamin supplement because of a health condition you probably don’t need any vitamin supplements, including vitamin D.

I just wish companies would make scoops that actually fit their serving size. I mostly use True Nutrition because they use stevia and splenda doesn’t agree with me but you need like 1.25 scoops to actually equal a serving.